City official confirms that Trader Joe's is looking at Menifee
Menifee residents would love to have a Trader Joe's like this one, located in Murrieta. (Photo/Google Maps) By Doug Spoon, Editor A si...

Menifee residents would love to have a Trader Joe's like this one, located in Murrieta. (Photo/Google Maps)
By Doug Spoon, Editor
A site has not been identified at this time, but a City of Menifee official has confirmed that Trader Joe’s is now interested in coming to the city and that discussions have taken place.
Requests by residents to have a Trader Joe’s in town far exceeds any other requests for businesses in Menifee. Until recently, Menifee officials have reported that Trader Joe's said the city “did not fit the Trader Joe’s demographic”. Meanwhile, a new store opened in Murrieta, and resident requests increased.
Now, with the city’s population near 120,000 and the requests continuing on social media and through emails to Trader Joe’s corporate offices, it appears the popular international food market's arrival seems imminent.
“The City of Menifee is continuing to have ongoing positive discussions with brokers regarding Trader Joe’s and remains optimistic that we will find a location that works best for their business model within Menifee,” said Phil Southard, Public Information Officer for the City. “Some locations are being informally reviewed and considered.”
A broker contacted by Menifee 24/7 confirmed that he has represented Trader Joe’s in trying to find a suitable location in Menifee but that no sites have been approved at this time. He also said that Trader Joe’s is “extremely private” about its plans. Representatives of Trader Joe’s did not return messages seeking comment.
Southard said that there is an application being considered to build a commercial building on a vacant lot west of Archibald’s fast-food business on Newport Road near Menifee Road. He said it is possible that Trader Joe’s could be considered as a tenant in that facility, but that no such deal is in place.
Southard also confirmed a report from two sources that the City of Menifee Department of Public Works has determined that the site adjacent to Archibald’s is too close to the Menifee Road intersection to have a westbound left turn pocket into the business. That is something one source said Trader Joe’s would request at that location.
In addition, there is no confirmation of a rumor circulating on social media that Trader Joe’s considered a site just east of the Menifee Road intersection, adjacent to Andy’s Express Wash.
“There is an active application for the property west of Archibalds,” said Southard. “It continues to move forward in the entitlement review process. The access constraints do not preclude development potential, but some future users may find that it doesn’t work for their needs.
“We do not have a formal application for the site located east of Andy’s Xpress Wash. Our current understanding is that neither site has plans for a Trader Joe’s at this time. Trader Joe’s is a very popular request we hear often from the community, and we are confident that they would be very successful and supported by our residents.”
So while there is no timetable for a Trader Joe’s arrival here, at least now there is a glimmer of hope for Menifee residents.