Congratulations to our 'Sweethearts & Singles' winners!
Congratulations to the winners in our “Sweethearts & Singles” Valentine’s Day contest! Marisol and Fred Ortiz have been selected to wi...
Congratulations to the winners in our “Sweethearts & Singles” Valentine’s Day contest!
Marisol and Fred Ortiz have been selected to win a free dinner for two Friday night at Lady R Bistro, located at 27192 Sun City Blvd. in the Cherry Hills Plaza. Marisol and Fred will be treated to the fine dining of Chef Rosie -- featuring signature dishes crafted for the special occasion -- and the warm atmosphere of Lady R Bistro, including live musical entertainment.
Here is Marisol’s winning submission for the sweethearts contest, in the form of a letter to her husband Fred:
I am writing this letter to nominate my husband and I. One of our most memorable dates was to see the movie “Hitch.” Throughout the movie, we were laughing. I was playfully hitting him while in the movie. Little did I know that in the movie it explained that if a girl hits a boy, she likes him. I quickly stopped hitting him and he laughed. We both realized we had strong chemistry for each other.
Once the movie ended, it started to sprinkle outside. He walked me to my car, pinned me to the car and gave me a soft peck on the lips under this soft sprinkle of rain. That night just felt magical, from the perfect movie to the connection we have and even to the high sensibility goodbye. My hubby has always been so respectful and romantic.
We are now 16 years married with three beautiful children, and he continues to be romantic and pay close attention to detail. I wish that we could win this contest because he is currently in school to complete his Masters program. For the past two years it’s been a struggle to be a wife, mother, caregiver, household cleaner, chauffeur, laundry, and chef, all while he’s in school. I realize that we are definitely a team and once he has completed all his education I will have his full attention. Life will be balanced, romantic and well again.
I am super proud of him and wish nothing but the best and most romantic night for him. He thinks that I am not romantic and I know if we win this Valentine’s experience, it will prove him wrong and show him how much I appreciate our friendship.
Sheri Richter won the “singles” part of our contest, in which someone without a sweetheart this Valentine’s Day was asked to describe their most memorable date – good or bad. Sheri is ill at the moment and can’t accept a prize to celebrate this weekend, but we will award her a gift certificate to a local restaurant to use when she’s feeling better. Meanwhile, we just have to share her winning entry with you. It’s hilarious!
Here is Sheri’s winning submission:
Here’s my worst date ever...
Many, many years ago when I was not quite as wise as I am now, I went on a date that started with the "date" asking me to dinner at a restaurant that was around 40 minutes from my house. It sounded like a nice restaurant. But the first red flag was "Do you mind driving, because I want to drink and I don't want to drink and drive". OK. I drove the 40 minutes to the restaurant, had a nice meal, and realized that it was a great decision for him not to be driving, based on the NUMBER of drinks he had.
Then when the bill came, SURPRISE, I guess my date forgot his wallet, so of course I was the one to pay. Well, on the long drive home it was a quiet drive for me because either my date was very tired or quite drunk, because he fell asleep in my car. I was almost to my house, actually on my street as luck would have it, when he started to fall over on me while I was driving. So I did a very little swerve in the street, which was annoying, but I didn't hit anything.
Then I see a red light flashing behind me. Seriously? I am almost home! Well, I was pulled over for the very little swerve in the street. Here is the basic part of my conversation with the police officer:
Officer: Have you been drinking?
Me: (with my nicest smile ever): No, officer.
Officer: Has your passenger been drinking or is he just very, very tired?
Me: I think both.
Officer: Do you know that you swerved?
Me: Yes, but just a little, because he kind of leaned on me.
Officer: Please show me your driver's license.
Now I just know the look on my face in the next part of this incident saved me because I was totally shocked.
Me (Loudly and with feeling): Oh my God, my wallet is not in my purse! I went on the date with this guy, he made me drive so he could drink and then forgets his wallet so I have to pay and I was so pissed off I bet when I got my wallet out to pay I ended up leaving it in the booth because I had to help him get up! Now I am going to be late for work tomorrow because I will have to drive 40 minutes back to the restaurant to get my wallet!
Officer (With a very big smile and a lot of self control to keep from laughing after my tirade): Miss, if you change your last sentence, I will not give you a ticket.
Me (after thinking it over): Now I am going to be late for work tomorrow because I will HAVE TO GET A FRIEND TO DRIVE me 40 minutes to the restaurant because I would never drive without my license.
Officer: Much better. Have a nice evening.
Sheri obviously has a good sense of humor, and we hope she feels better soon so she can enjoy her free dinner for two.
Thanks for those who entered our contest and Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone!
Marisol and Fred Ortiz have been selected to win a free dinner for two Friday night at Lady R Bistro, located at 27192 Sun City Blvd. in the Cherry Hills Plaza. Marisol and Fred will be treated to the fine dining of Chef Rosie -- featuring signature dishes crafted for the special occasion -- and the warm atmosphere of Lady R Bistro, including live musical entertainment.
Here is Marisol’s winning submission for the sweethearts contest, in the form of a letter to her husband Fred:
I am writing this letter to nominate my husband and I. One of our most memorable dates was to see the movie “Hitch.” Throughout the movie, we were laughing. I was playfully hitting him while in the movie. Little did I know that in the movie it explained that if a girl hits a boy, she likes him. I quickly stopped hitting him and he laughed. We both realized we had strong chemistry for each other.
Once the movie ended, it started to sprinkle outside. He walked me to my car, pinned me to the car and gave me a soft peck on the lips under this soft sprinkle of rain. That night just felt magical, from the perfect movie to the connection we have and even to the high sensibility goodbye. My hubby has always been so respectful and romantic.
We are now 16 years married with three beautiful children, and he continues to be romantic and pay close attention to detail. I wish that we could win this contest because he is currently in school to complete his Masters program. For the past two years it’s been a struggle to be a wife, mother, caregiver, household cleaner, chauffeur, laundry, and chef, all while he’s in school. I realize that we are definitely a team and once he has completed all his education I will have his full attention. Life will be balanced, romantic and well again.
I am super proud of him and wish nothing but the best and most romantic night for him. He thinks that I am not romantic and I know if we win this Valentine’s experience, it will prove him wrong and show him how much I appreciate our friendship.
Sheri Richter won the “singles” part of our contest, in which someone without a sweetheart this Valentine’s Day was asked to describe their most memorable date – good or bad. Sheri is ill at the moment and can’t accept a prize to celebrate this weekend, but we will award her a gift certificate to a local restaurant to use when she’s feeling better. Meanwhile, we just have to share her winning entry with you. It’s hilarious!
Here is Sheri’s winning submission:
Here’s my worst date ever...
Many, many years ago when I was not quite as wise as I am now, I went on a date that started with the "date" asking me to dinner at a restaurant that was around 40 minutes from my house. It sounded like a nice restaurant. But the first red flag was "Do you mind driving, because I want to drink and I don't want to drink and drive". OK. I drove the 40 minutes to the restaurant, had a nice meal, and realized that it was a great decision for him not to be driving, based on the NUMBER of drinks he had.
Then when the bill came, SURPRISE, I guess my date forgot his wallet, so of course I was the one to pay. Well, on the long drive home it was a quiet drive for me because either my date was very tired or quite drunk, because he fell asleep in my car. I was almost to my house, actually on my street as luck would have it, when he started to fall over on me while I was driving. So I did a very little swerve in the street, which was annoying, but I didn't hit anything.
Then I see a red light flashing behind me. Seriously? I am almost home! Well, I was pulled over for the very little swerve in the street. Here is the basic part of my conversation with the police officer:
Officer: Have you been drinking?
Me: (with my nicest smile ever): No, officer.
Officer: Has your passenger been drinking or is he just very, very tired?
Me: I think both.
Officer: Do you know that you swerved?
Me: Yes, but just a little, because he kind of leaned on me.
Officer: Please show me your driver's license.
Now I just know the look on my face in the next part of this incident saved me because I was totally shocked.
Me (Loudly and with feeling): Oh my God, my wallet is not in my purse! I went on the date with this guy, he made me drive so he could drink and then forgets his wallet so I have to pay and I was so pissed off I bet when I got my wallet out to pay I ended up leaving it in the booth because I had to help him get up! Now I am going to be late for work tomorrow because I will have to drive 40 minutes back to the restaurant to get my wallet!
Officer (With a very big smile and a lot of self control to keep from laughing after my tirade): Miss, if you change your last sentence, I will not give you a ticket.
Me (after thinking it over): Now I am going to be late for work tomorrow because I will HAVE TO GET A FRIEND TO DRIVE me 40 minutes to the restaurant because I would never drive without my license.
Officer: Much better. Have a nice evening.
Sheri obviously has a good sense of humor, and we hope she feels better soon so she can enjoy her free dinner for two.
Thanks for those who entered our contest and Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone!