Nov. 20 public hearing to consider Ethanac Business Park
A public hearing has been scheduled for the Nov. 20 Menifee City Council meeting to consider the proposal for a warehouse to be built in the...
A public hearing has been scheduled for the Nov. 20 Menifee City Council meeting to consider the proposal for a warehouse to be built in the Menifee North Specific Plan area of the city.
The Ethanac Business Park is to be located along Sherman Road, east of Trumble Road and south of Ethanac Road. The project proposes a warehouse of approximately 264,710 square feet, including 10,000 square feet of office space on an 11.47-acre site. It would include approximately 168 auto parking spaces and 47 truck trailer parking stalls, with about 58,864 square feet of landscaping.
The city’s Community Development Department determined that the project would not have a significant effect on the environment and recommends adoption of a Mitigated Negative Declaration.
The city’s public notice states that any person wishing to comment on the proposed project may do so in writing before the public hearing. All such comments will be submitted to the City Council, and the City Council will consider such comments, in addition to any oral testimony, before making a decision on the proposed project.
For further information regarding this project, contact Fernando Herrera at 951-723-3718 or e-mail, or go to the City of Menifee’s agenda web page at To view the case file for the proposed project, contact the Community Development Department office at 951-672- 6777 Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Send all written correspondence to:
Attn: Fernando Herrera, Associate Planner
29844 Haun Road
Menifee, CA 92586
The Ethanac Business Park is to be located along Sherman Road, east of Trumble Road and south of Ethanac Road. The project proposes a warehouse of approximately 264,710 square feet, including 10,000 square feet of office space on an 11.47-acre site. It would include approximately 168 auto parking spaces and 47 truck trailer parking stalls, with about 58,864 square feet of landscaping.
The city’s Community Development Department determined that the project would not have a significant effect on the environment and recommends adoption of a Mitigated Negative Declaration.
The city’s public notice states that any person wishing to comment on the proposed project may do so in writing before the public hearing. All such comments will be submitted to the City Council, and the City Council will consider such comments, in addition to any oral testimony, before making a decision on the proposed project.
For further information regarding this project, contact Fernando Herrera at 951-723-3718 or e-mail, or go to the City of Menifee’s agenda web page at To view the case file for the proposed project, contact the Community Development Department office at 951-672- 6777 Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Send all written correspondence to:
Attn: Fernando Herrera, Associate Planner
29844 Haun Road
Menifee, CA 92586