Candidate introduction: Dameon Greene runs for Mayor
Editor’s note: It’s campaign season for candidates seeking local public office. As residents are certified as official candidates, we invite...
Editor’s note: It’s campaign season for candidates seeking local public office. As residents are certified as official candidates, we invite them to submit an introductory statement for publication. They also have the option of purchasing paid political advertisements. Today’s statement, written in the third person, is submitted by Dameon Greene, candidate for Mayor.
Who is Dameon L. Greene Sr?
“The Menifee Newcomer”
The nomination deadline has come and gone and “The Newcomer” is a solid Mayoral candidate. Prior to this deadline, inquiring minds wanted to know who he is.
According to his ballot designation, he is a small business owner, but he is so much more than that. Philanthropist and published international author can be added to his repertoire. Dameon LaSojn Greene Sr. is a dedicated husband, father, grandfather, little brother and an amazing friend. His family is deeply rooted in Kentucky, just as Luther Menifee Wilson, whom our beloved city is named after. Dameon grew up in a family of postal workers and his uncle Ulysses Greene, who played a major part of his life, was a Navy Veteran stationed in San Diego.
One summer day after elementary school graduation while on the way from football signups, he witnessed his mom have a fatal car accident. God must have had other plans for Dameon’s life, since he should have been in that car. Dameon was his coach’s favorite player and the coach offered him a ride home and saved his life.
Pearline Greene passed away that day and left a humongous hole in his heart. It changed his life forever. His Auntie Mama and Uncle Greene, as he affectionately called them, brought him home and offered him a structured life. He was the only boy in a house full of girls, his Prayer Warriors.
They taught him sensitivity, respect for women and how important women are to the very fabric of society and family life.
“In my youth I was rebellious, but my family always put God first. Family tradition was to be at church on Sunday morning,” says Dameon. “As an adult and head of my family, we attend The View church, where we are ‘Taught the Word’”.
Dameon is a “First to Serve”, Boots on the Ground type of man. For over a year, he has been a consistent Ambassador for Menifee Valley Chamber of Commerce. Attending networking events and ribbon cuttings allowed him to meet the business owners and their families. He was able to spend time at the Menifee Museum during the Menifee Better Together event. He and several other members of the community were on the beautification team. Together, they tackled the mulch.
He was so proud of their work that he couldn’t stop smiling or bragging. Being a consistent steward of the city, he can be found at the City Council meetings with a notepad and pen. These meetings keep him “In the Know” of Menifee’s policies, struggles and triumphs.
Dameon’s Vision for Menifee
“The People’s Mayor”
COMMUNITY INCLUSION encompasses housing, employment, friends, education, health and wellness, religion and spirituality. The core component is that our residents should feel that their desires are known and valued. The No. 1 complaint from our community is they don’t have a voice, that nobody listens. That is what I want to change:
1. LISTENING to desires of the community
2. LEARNING how to make the biggest impact and the process for implementation.
3. LEADING our city into improved lifestyles through passion and purpose.
Menifee is a beautiful city. It has that “everyone knows your name” feel. Keeping integrity, history and quality of life is essential to Greene for his family and yours.
“As an LA native, I will be aggressive in decision making when it comes to controlled growth,” says Greene, “taking into consideration that plans of development have been previously approved, making our city one of the top 10 fastest growing cities in the nation.”
Impower Nonprofit Consulting Group is an organization that Mr. & Mrs. Greene started five years ago. The administration team has filed the appropriate documentation to establish 75 clients grassroot organizations and currently has a consistent 50 client annual filings.
Greene is prepared to advocate along with the current nonprofits in our city in the areas of:
* Homelessness
* Mental health andrRecriminalizing drug abuse without racial or socio-economic factors
* Veteran/Active Military and their family’s needs.
* Initiative for the Work & Live Locally Union Workers
* Education expansion that will address the increased student enrollment
* Youth advocacy for children that suffer abuse, PTSD, bullying or the loss of a loved one
* Senior safety in the areas of housing, predatory scammers and theft prevention
* The Per Cent for Art scheme government. initiative introduced in 1978
Of course, the most popular issues that the current local government is focused, on such as infrastructure, transportation, traffic, entertainment, small business improvement and diversity are of great importance to Greene.
Focusing on the dramatic changes to come will be a challenge, but he is ready and fully available for the long days, long nights and difficult decisions that he has been privy to watch Mayor Zimmerman and the Council make bi- weekly. I think of the Mayor-at-large position as the “Man in the Middle”. They have done an amazing job, yet it is time for NEW Leadership, BETTER community involvement and for Menifee to choose the BEST Mayoral candidate for the Valley.
Dameon L. Greene for Mayor
HQ: 28005 Bradley Rd Suite 105
Menifee, CA 92586
Who is Dameon L. Greene Sr?
“The Menifee Newcomer”
The nomination deadline has come and gone and “The Newcomer” is a solid Mayoral candidate. Prior to this deadline, inquiring minds wanted to know who he is.
According to his ballot designation, he is a small business owner, but he is so much more than that. Philanthropist and published international author can be added to his repertoire. Dameon LaSojn Greene Sr. is a dedicated husband, father, grandfather, little brother and an amazing friend. His family is deeply rooted in Kentucky, just as Luther Menifee Wilson, whom our beloved city is named after. Dameon grew up in a family of postal workers and his uncle Ulysses Greene, who played a major part of his life, was a Navy Veteran stationed in San Diego.
One summer day after elementary school graduation while on the way from football signups, he witnessed his mom have a fatal car accident. God must have had other plans for Dameon’s life, since he should have been in that car. Dameon was his coach’s favorite player and the coach offered him a ride home and saved his life.
Pearline Greene passed away that day and left a humongous hole in his heart. It changed his life forever. His Auntie Mama and Uncle Greene, as he affectionately called them, brought him home and offered him a structured life. He was the only boy in a house full of girls, his Prayer Warriors.
They taught him sensitivity, respect for women and how important women are to the very fabric of society and family life.
“In my youth I was rebellious, but my family always put God first. Family tradition was to be at church on Sunday morning,” says Dameon. “As an adult and head of my family, we attend The View church, where we are ‘Taught the Word’”.
Dameon is a “First to Serve”, Boots on the Ground type of man. For over a year, he has been a consistent Ambassador for Menifee Valley Chamber of Commerce. Attending networking events and ribbon cuttings allowed him to meet the business owners and their families. He was able to spend time at the Menifee Museum during the Menifee Better Together event. He and several other members of the community were on the beautification team. Together, they tackled the mulch.
He was so proud of their work that he couldn’t stop smiling or bragging. Being a consistent steward of the city, he can be found at the City Council meetings with a notepad and pen. These meetings keep him “In the Know” of Menifee’s policies, struggles and triumphs.
Dameon’s Vision for Menifee
“The People’s Mayor”
COMMUNITY INCLUSION encompasses housing, employment, friends, education, health and wellness, religion and spirituality. The core component is that our residents should feel that their desires are known and valued. The No. 1 complaint from our community is they don’t have a voice, that nobody listens. That is what I want to change:
1. LISTENING to desires of the community
2. LEARNING how to make the biggest impact and the process for implementation.
3. LEADING our city into improved lifestyles through passion and purpose.
Menifee is a beautiful city. It has that “everyone knows your name” feel. Keeping integrity, history and quality of life is essential to Greene for his family and yours.
“As an LA native, I will be aggressive in decision making when it comes to controlled growth,” says Greene, “taking into consideration that plans of development have been previously approved, making our city one of the top 10 fastest growing cities in the nation.”
Impower Nonprofit Consulting Group is an organization that Mr. & Mrs. Greene started five years ago. The administration team has filed the appropriate documentation to establish 75 clients grassroot organizations and currently has a consistent 50 client annual filings.
Greene is prepared to advocate along with the current nonprofits in our city in the areas of:
* Homelessness
* Mental health andrRecriminalizing drug abuse without racial or socio-economic factors
* Veteran/Active Military and their family’s needs.
* Initiative for the Work & Live Locally Union Workers
* Education expansion that will address the increased student enrollment
* Youth advocacy for children that suffer abuse, PTSD, bullying or the loss of a loved one
* Senior safety in the areas of housing, predatory scammers and theft prevention
* The Per Cent for Art scheme government. initiative introduced in 1978
Of course, the most popular issues that the current local government is focused, on such as infrastructure, transportation, traffic, entertainment, small business improvement and diversity are of great importance to Greene.
Focusing on the dramatic changes to come will be a challenge, but he is ready and fully available for the long days, long nights and difficult decisions that he has been privy to watch Mayor Zimmerman and the Council make bi- weekly. I think of the Mayor-at-large position as the “Man in the Middle”. They have done an amazing job, yet it is time for NEW Leadership, BETTER community involvement and for Menifee to choose the BEST Mayoral candidate for the Valley.
Dameon L. Greene for Mayor
HQ: 28005 Bradley Rd Suite 105
Menifee, CA 92586