Burger King proposed for site of vacant gas station
A vacant corner lot that has been the topic of discussion for years will finally have a new tenant, if action is approved by the Menifee Pla...

A vacant corner lot that has been the topic of discussion for years will finally have a new tenant, if action is approved by the Menifee Planning Commission.
The proposal for the half-acre vacant gas station lot at the northeast corner of McCall Boulevard and Bradley Road is to have a Burger King fast-food restaurant located there. The item will go before the Planning Commission at a public hearing on March 13.
The plan calls for a 2,158-square-foot drive-thru restaurant with associated parking and landscaping. Because of limited space, the plan proposes the elimination of the 5-foot perimeter landscape strip requirement adjacent to parking as required by city code. It would also reduce the distance requirement from the driveway right-of-way property line to the first parking space from 30 feet to 18 feet along Bradley Road. In addition, the number of required parking spaces would be reduced from 21 to 19.
Public criticism has labeled the site as an eyesore for years, but the size of the lot has made it difficult to sell. It is most known for the signs that are posted on its chain-link fence each political campaign season.
According to the City of Menifee public notice, “any person wishing to comment on the proposed project may do so in writing between the date of this notice and the public hearing and be heard at the time and place noted above (City Hall, 29844 Haun Road). All comments must be received prior to the time of public hearing. All such comments will be submitted to the Planning Commission, and the Planning Commission will consider such comments, in addition to any oral testimony, before making a decision on the proposed project.”
For further information regarding this project, please contact Jessica Williams at 951-723-3725 or e-mail jwilliams@cityofmenifee.us , or go to the City of Menifee’s agenda web page at http://www.cityofmenifee.us . To view the case file for the proposed project, contact the Community Development Department office at 951-672-6777 Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Please send all written correspondence to:
Attn: Jessica Williams, Assistant Planner
29844 Haun Road
Menifee, CA 92586
The March 13 meeting begins at 6 p.m.