Patriots football players excited about a fresh start

New head coach Richard McClure will lead Heritage's attempt to wipe out last season's memories. (Photo by Rick Rowell) By Doug Spoon...

New head coach Richard McClure will lead Heritage's attempt to wipe out last season's memories. (Photo by Rick Rowell)

By Doug Spoon, Editor

The new coaching staff for the Heritage High school football team has given the program hope for redemption after a winless run last year.

Head coach Richard McClure said the opportunity to coach for Heritage was one he was quick to take and has enjoyed since early spring, when he was able to start working in the offseason.

“I’m excited about the growth of the program, especially as far as the kids’ commitment,” said McClure. “It’s a great opportunity for me.”

The growth he is seeing and hopes to continue comes from his philosophy of simplifying the game.

“You just have to go back to basics,” said McClure. “You have to give them reasons to want to be a part of the sport. Football teaches so much more than just the sport itself. You only get 10 games, but attending practices and meetings teaches you so much more.”

His connection with each player on his team is also a major focus for McClure.

“Each kid wants to know they’re taken care of and how they fit in to the team,” he said. “It’s been really about education and getting them to understand those things.”

McClure said the players who are really learning those things are leading the team well and, although the senior class is small this year, it has been very influential.

“We have a small senior class, but they’re doing a great job with their leadership. Our three captains were selected by the whole team,” McClure said. “There’s also a lot of youth in our program and I’m excited about that because they’re going to play a lot.”

For the not-so-new players, this season will be a matter of proving themselves to each other and the community.

Junior lineman Charles Smith said last year’s record doesn’t show what team they are now.

“I think the biggest difference this year is the physicality,” Smith said. “It’s definitely not like last year. There’s new opportunities and a different knowledge of the game of football. I’m excited to win league; we’re not an 0-10 team and we’re back with a vengeance.”

Smith is actually one of relatively few returning players this year. After last season’s turnout, McClure said the first days of practice only brought in roughly 25 athletes—a number which has increased to around 100 at this time.

Aragon Tankink, a graduating senior this year, said he has seen a change in those teammates who, like him, decided to return to the program.

“I think the biggest difference I see is a love for the sport,” said Tankink. “Last year we saw a lot of kids unmotivated and transferring. This year it’s like we have new hope and light. We’re not how we were last year.”

Junior Dominic Dunn echoed his teammate’s sentiment:

“We’re way more motivated and people are giving their all and I’m excited about that,” said Dunn. “We have a better spirit and we’re going to come out strong.”

One of their strengths comes in the form of sophomore quarterback Elijah Sanchez (left), whom Smith said he is happy to see lead the team.

“Sure he’s a sophomore, but he has plenty of experience,” said Smith. “He’s a very physical guy who can be fast and scramble out of the pocket and he’s a very accurate thrower.”

McClure said Smith and Tankink have stepped into their leadership roles well, regardless of negative experiences last year, calling it their “rededication to the game.”

Tankink said his personal goal this season stems from that leadership mentality.

“I hope to be able to say that I left a legacy for this team and that I’m a leader for the younger ones to follow and look up to,” Tankink said.

For McClure, his plans for the program involve much more than just this season.

“This isn’t a ‘one and done’ for me. I’m excited for the future of this program,” said McClure. “This is a rekindle of our program.”

The Patriots’ season will start with a home game on Aug. 18 against Steele Canyon.

Running back Josiah Smith will be counted on to help lead the team's offense. (Photo by Rick Rowell)


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