City provides update on road construction projects
Update on road construction projects from the City of Menifee: Goetz Road at Vista Way – Lane closure The developer of the new am-pm stor...
Update on road construction projects from the City of Menifee:
Goetz Road at Vista Way – Lane closure
The developer of the new am-pm store on the corner of Goetz Road and Vista Way will be performing street improvement work beginning Friday, June 16 through Saturday, June 17. Traffic lanes will be reduced to one lane with flaggers present to direct traffic during the project. Traffic lanes are expected to reopen late Saturday evening. Traffic delays should be expected through the duration of the project.
Audie Murphy Ranch Road – Lane Closures between Destry Drive and Sagebush Lane
Menifee Union School District is continuing to perform sidewalk repairs and street pavement restoration along Audie Murphy Ranch Road. Lane closures will be in place in support of the improvement work and flaggers will be present to direct traffic during the duration of the project. Traffic delays should be expected through the end of June 2023.
Holland Road Overpass – City Capital Improvement Project
The City is actively performing work related to the Holland Road Overpass project. Holland Road between Hanover Lane and Antelope Road will remain closed for the duration of the project, which is expected to last 17 months. There will also be alternating lane closures on the I-215 Freeway from Newport Road to Scott Road during the week of Monday, June 19. Up to two lanes will be closed and one lane will remain open as work is being completed. Expected dates and times are listed below:
Monday, June 19 – Thursday, June 22
Southbound I-215: 8 p.m. – 4 a.m.
Northbound I-215: 9 p.m. – 5 a.m.
Friday, June 23
Southbound I-215: 11 p.m. – 6 a.m.
Northbound I-215: 9 p.m. – 6 a.m.
For additional information and to sign up for project updates, please visit
Newport Road at Murrieta Road – Nighttime lane closures
Southern California Edison (SCE) continues nighttime work to underground utility lines at the intersection of Newport Road and Murrieta Road. Night work will be performed from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. and is expected to continue through June 2023. Lanes closures will be in place while this project is active.
Bradley Road at Holland Road – Storm Drain Construction Work
Storm drain facilities are currently being installed adjacent to Holland Road as part of the Menifee 80 residential housing tract. Work has been temporarily delayed, and updates for this project will be provided when work proceeds. Holland Road is currently open in all traffic directions at this time.
Valley Boulevard between McCall Boulevard and Ridgemoor Street
The developer of Cimarron Ridge continues installing underground improvements in the area of Valley Boulevard between McCall Boulevard and Ridgemoor Street. This portion of Valley Boulevard will be subject to lane closures during this work and traffic delays should be expected in the area through the end of June 2023.
SCE Work on Menifee Road – Newport to Holland
SCE continues trenching new power lines in the right-of-way/shoulder along Menifee Road, from Newport Road to Holland Road. Work is currently active during daytime hours at the intersection of Newport Road and Menifee Road. Traffic control will be in place during project work. Message boards containing contact information for the project will also be placed in the project area. Completion of work in this area is now expected to continue through the end of June 2023.
Normandy Road Lane Closure – La Ladera Road to Berea Road
SCE work on Normandy Road between La Ladera Road and Berea Road has been temporarily delayed. All traffic lanes have been reopened. Traffic updates will be provided once work resumes.
Murrieta Road Improvements – City Capital Improvement Project
The City’s roadway improvement project on Murrieta Road began Monday, June 5. Intermittent traffic control will be in place along Murrieta Road from the Salt Creek Chanel to San Quintin Drive to support the construction work. Improvements include road widening, storm drain improvements, pedestrian curb ramps, and a center median. The project is anticipated to be completed in mid- September 2023. Traffic delays should be expected in this area during the project work.
For questions on the project/construction updates listed, please contact Philip Southard, Public Information and Legislative Affairs Officer, at 951-746-0654 or at
Goetz Road at Vista Way – Lane closure
The developer of the new am-pm store on the corner of Goetz Road and Vista Way will be performing street improvement work beginning Friday, June 16 through Saturday, June 17. Traffic lanes will be reduced to one lane with flaggers present to direct traffic during the project. Traffic lanes are expected to reopen late Saturday evening. Traffic delays should be expected through the duration of the project.
Audie Murphy Ranch Road – Lane Closures between Destry Drive and Sagebush Lane
Menifee Union School District is continuing to perform sidewalk repairs and street pavement restoration along Audie Murphy Ranch Road. Lane closures will be in place in support of the improvement work and flaggers will be present to direct traffic during the duration of the project. Traffic delays should be expected through the end of June 2023.
Holland Road Overpass – City Capital Improvement Project
The City is actively performing work related to the Holland Road Overpass project. Holland Road between Hanover Lane and Antelope Road will remain closed for the duration of the project, which is expected to last 17 months. There will also be alternating lane closures on the I-215 Freeway from Newport Road to Scott Road during the week of Monday, June 19. Up to two lanes will be closed and one lane will remain open as work is being completed. Expected dates and times are listed below:
Monday, June 19 – Thursday, June 22
Southbound I-215: 8 p.m. – 4 a.m.
Northbound I-215: 9 p.m. – 5 a.m.
Friday, June 23
Southbound I-215: 11 p.m. – 6 a.m.
Northbound I-215: 9 p.m. – 6 a.m.
For additional information and to sign up for project updates, please visit
Newport Road at Murrieta Road – Nighttime lane closures
Southern California Edison (SCE) continues nighttime work to underground utility lines at the intersection of Newport Road and Murrieta Road. Night work will be performed from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. and is expected to continue through June 2023. Lanes closures will be in place while this project is active.
Bradley Road at Holland Road – Storm Drain Construction Work
Storm drain facilities are currently being installed adjacent to Holland Road as part of the Menifee 80 residential housing tract. Work has been temporarily delayed, and updates for this project will be provided when work proceeds. Holland Road is currently open in all traffic directions at this time.
Valley Boulevard between McCall Boulevard and Ridgemoor Street
The developer of Cimarron Ridge continues installing underground improvements in the area of Valley Boulevard between McCall Boulevard and Ridgemoor Street. This portion of Valley Boulevard will be subject to lane closures during this work and traffic delays should be expected in the area through the end of June 2023.
SCE Work on Menifee Road – Newport to Holland
SCE continues trenching new power lines in the right-of-way/shoulder along Menifee Road, from Newport Road to Holland Road. Work is currently active during daytime hours at the intersection of Newport Road and Menifee Road. Traffic control will be in place during project work. Message boards containing contact information for the project will also be placed in the project area. Completion of work in this area is now expected to continue through the end of June 2023.
Normandy Road Lane Closure – La Ladera Road to Berea Road
SCE work on Normandy Road between La Ladera Road and Berea Road has been temporarily delayed. All traffic lanes have been reopened. Traffic updates will be provided once work resumes.
Murrieta Road Improvements – City Capital Improvement Project
The City’s roadway improvement project on Murrieta Road began Monday, June 5. Intermittent traffic control will be in place along Murrieta Road from the Salt Creek Chanel to San Quintin Drive to support the construction work. Improvements include road widening, storm drain improvements, pedestrian curb ramps, and a center median. The project is anticipated to be completed in mid- September 2023. Traffic delays should be expected in this area during the project work.
For questions on the project/construction updates listed, please contact Philip Southard, Public Information and Legislative Affairs Officer, at 951-746-0654 or at