New council member Estrada takes public office for first time
Ricky Estrada is administered the oath of office by city clerk Kay Vinson Wednesday night. By Doug Spoon, Editor Ricky Estrada began his f...

Ricky Estrada is administered the oath of office by city clerk Kay Vinson Wednesday night.
By Doug Spoon, Editor
Ricky Estrada began his first term ever in public office Thursday, being sworn in as the City Council representative to District 2 in a special meeting at City Hall.
Estrada soundly defeated three opponents for the council seat representing the southwest part of the city. After taking the oath of office, he read from a lengthy speech that spoke of his often-cited campaign slogan, “A fresh perspective.”
“The people of this country, this state and this city want people who will fight for them,” said Estrada, a substitute teacher in Menifee and a member of the Air Force reserves. “Everyone in this audience today wants to hear the truth, transparency and true representation from our elected officials.
“I am here to fight for every single one of you. Thousands of you have shared and I have listened. The traffic, the home building, protection of our rural community, our small town feel, strong police presence, cutting the debt, helping small businesses and establishing Menifee’s unique identity is what is important to all of you.”
Estrada then spoke of how he signed a pledge that he will not accept donations from developers or contractors – another of the campaign issues he spoke of during thousands of knocks on residents’ doors.
“I am not beholden to anyone here on the dais,” Estrada said. “I am not beholden to developers or contractors. Thank you to the residents of this city, thank you to my colleagues on this council for welcoming me aboard, and thank you to the city staff for helping the city carry out its goals.”
Also making some public remarks after his swearing in was Dean Deines, who returns for a second term as the District 4 representative. Deines had previously been appointed to the seat because he ran unopposed, but Thursday’s ceremony made it official.
“It’s hard to believe it’s been four years already and to see all the changes in Menifee in four years,” Deines said. “I’ve been proud to serve District 4 and the city as a whole. It’s really great to have a group of people who have the city’s interests at heart and not their own. I look forward to the next four years. Great things are going to be happening in Menifee and I look forward to being part of that.”
Prior to the council reorganization, outgoing District 2 council member Matt Liesemeyer was thanked by individuals including current and former County Supervisors Chuck Washington and Marion Ashley. He was presented proclamations by Washington and representatives of the Western Riverside Council of Governments as well as the City of Menifee.
Liesemeyer has for the last eight years been one of the most popular and proactive council members, often using his knowledge as a construction manager to question the smallest detail in projects presented to the council. He was also the main proponent of the city creating its own Police Department.
“It takes a great team to get anything done in a city,” Liesemeyer said. “The privilege of the floor is an opportunity to talk about myself, but I’m not that person. I couldn’t have done any of this without my colleagues and the past council before them. To get anything done here, it takes cultivation, hard work, and it takes a lot of effort to understand the residents.”
Council member Robert Karwin was appointed Mayor Pro Tem by unanimous vote of the council. The position traditionally is rotated among the members on an annual basis.
District 4 representative Dean Deines is sworn in for his second term on the City Council.
Matt Liesemeyer was honored by the City Council and County Supervisor Chuck Washington, among others.