EMWD offers water conservation tips
Sponsored post from Eastern Municipal Water District: California is in a serious drought, and we don’t know how long it will last. That’s ...

Sponsored post from Eastern Municipal Water District:
California is in a serious drought, and we don’t know how long it will last. That’s why every drop saved today counts. Small changes can add up to big savings and help protect and ensure critical water supplies for future generations. Adding mulch around plants helps reduce evaporation, reducing or removing grass and replacing it with water-wise landscaping will save up to 50 percent of water needed outdoors. This is how we save water.
Did you know that residential turf removal rebates are available as part of EMWD’s partnership with Metropolitan Water District and can be accessed through SoCal Water$mart. (up to $3 per square foot) for that unused grass? But hurry, funding is limited. Removing some grass and replacing it with organic, drought tolerant landscaping will help California stretch its limited water supplies during this severe drought.
EMWD encourages customers to visit www.emwd.org/water-supply-status to learn more about where we stand with our water supplies and what EMWD is asking of its customers. Visit www.emwd.org/drought for more simple ways to save water and use it wisely.