Church members participate in Good Friday Crosswalk
Photos by Lindsay DeLong Impact Church partnered with Crossway Church this week to host the first of what is planned as an annual Good Frida...

Photos by Lindsay DeLong
Impact Church partnered with Crossway Church this week to host the first of what is planned as an annual Good Friday Community Crosswalk.
“It was a great start, with 250 people coming out to Central Park to commemorate the day of Christ’s crucifixion and Passion Week,” said Pastor Ryan Sharp. “There was a time of remembrance, music and prayer. We then walked the loop from Central Park to Newport, to Haun, back to Central Park, many people carrying wooden crosses as they went.
“Cars were honking in support and we had some great interactions. We closed the time with food and festivities for the kids.”
Sharp said he hope more church congregations will join the event in future years.