Wetlands webcam allows remote bird watching

Press release from Eastern Municipal Water District: PERRIS -- Eastern Municipal Water District has installed a webcam at its San Jacinto ...

Press release from Eastern Municipal Water District:

PERRIS -- Eastern Municipal Water District has installed a webcam at its San Jacinto Wetlands, which will allow viewers a real time look at the more than 120 species of birds that call the facility their home.

For many years, EMWD has hosted bird walking tours at the man-made Wetlands, which are located at its San Jacinto Valley Regional Water Reclamation Facility. The tours resumed this month and will be held on the second Saturday of each month through April beginning at 8 a.m. The new webcam will provide the public an opportunity to view the Wetlands and the feathered residents that live at the facility year-round or during migratory seasons. Reservations are required for the tours.

Among the species of birds that have been spotted at the Wetlands are Bald Eagles.

“We hope that this technology will bring even greater access to the public to see the amazing wildlife that rely on our Wetlands,” EMWD Board President Phil Paule said. “This facility is renowned in the birding community, and we are proud to make it accessible to a larger audience through this new online viewing platform.”

The Wetlands was constructed in the mid-1990’s with funding support from the United States Bureau of Reclamation to assist with the treatment process of recycled water. EMWD uses the Wetlands as the home of its award-winning educational facility which helps students learn about water related issues. The live video feed is available at www.emwd.org/wetlands.


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