Bulky items drop-off event set for Feb. 5 at MSJC
City of Menifee press release: MENIFEE -- In partnership with Waste Management, the City of Menifee will host its first bulky item drop-of...

City of Menifee press release:
MENIFEE -- In partnership with Waste Management, the City of Menifee will host its first bulky item drop-off event of 2022 on Feb. 5 at the main parking lot of Mt. San Jacinto College (28237 La Piedra Rd., Menifee, CA 92584).
This free event is provided for Menifee residents only; no commercial waste will be allowed. To maximize the opportunity for participation, drop-off limits will be placed on the following items:
-- Large Appliances (total three each per vehicle, per trip)
-- Mattresses (total three per vehicle, per trip)
Drop-off bins will be available at Mt. San Jacinto College from 8 a.m. to noon, or until bins are full. Please see the event flyer for a listing of accepted, as well as prohibited, bulky items. Community volunteers are also being sought to help support the event.
Menifee residents unable to attend this drop-off event can schedule a free pickup from their home. Residents are allotted four free bulky item pickups annually (up to six bulky items total). To schedule a free home pick-up, please contact WM Customer Service at 800-423-9986.
For more information about the Bulky Item Drop-Off or to volunteer at clean up events, please contact the Community Services Department at www.cityofmenifee.us/solidwasteandrecycling, email communityservices@cityofmenifee.us, or call 951-723-3880.