City provides update on street maintenance
Press release from the City of Menifee: MENIFEE -- The City has project and construction updates to share with the community: McCall Bo...
Press release from the City of Menifee:
MENIFEE -- The City has project and construction updates to share with the community:
McCall Boulevard – Encanto Road and Oak Hurst Avenue Resurfacing Project
Resurfacing work will begin on Monday, Dec. 6, on westbound McCall Boulevard between Encanto Road and Oakhurst Avenue. Message boards are in place to notify the public regarding detours or temporary lane closures. Project construction work in this area will begin at a later start time of 8:30 a.m. to minimize impacts to school traffic in the area.
Menifee Road/McCall Boulevard – Intersection Improvements
Utility work within the intersection has been completed and the utility trenches have been paved.
Rockport Ranch – Material Import Haul Route Update
Materials import operations for the Rockport Ranch development continue along the following routes:
-- Antelope Road / Garbani Road / Briggs Road - Monday through Friday – 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
-- Holland Road - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday – 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Hauling on Holland Road has been eliminated on Wednesdays to ease traffic congestion related to the minimum day school schedules in the area.
For questions on the project/construction updates listed, please contact Don Sharp, Construction Manager, at 951-723-3726 or at
MENIFEE -- The City has project and construction updates to share with the community:
McCall Boulevard – Encanto Road and Oak Hurst Avenue Resurfacing Project
Resurfacing work will begin on Monday, Dec. 6, on westbound McCall Boulevard between Encanto Road and Oakhurst Avenue. Message boards are in place to notify the public regarding detours or temporary lane closures. Project construction work in this area will begin at a later start time of 8:30 a.m. to minimize impacts to school traffic in the area.
Menifee Road/McCall Boulevard – Intersection Improvements
Utility work within the intersection has been completed and the utility trenches have been paved.
Rockport Ranch – Material Import Haul Route Update
Materials import operations for the Rockport Ranch development continue along the following routes:
-- Antelope Road / Garbani Road / Briggs Road - Monday through Friday – 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
-- Holland Road - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday – 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Hauling on Holland Road has been eliminated on Wednesdays to ease traffic congestion related to the minimum day school schedules in the area.
For questions on the project/construction updates listed, please contact Don Sharp, Construction Manager, at 951-723-3726 or at
when are they going to pave cherry hills blvd?