Pump track to be named after longtime resident Gale Webb

The Menifee City Council last week approved the naming of a planned pump track as the Gale Webb Kids-R-#1 Action Sports Park. Google defin...

The Menifee City Council last week approved the naming of a planned pump track as the Gale Webb Kids-R-#1 Action Sports Park.

Google defines a pump track as “a looped sequence of rollers and berms (swoopy, banked turns) for bike riders. It's designed to maximize your momentum, so you can ride it with minimal pedaling.”

Webb (left) is a longtime Menifee resident who promotes the positive aspects of extreme sports. According to the City Council agenda item, “She had many tragedies in her life that she turned into positives to teach, motivate, and help kids. She created the Gale Webb Extreme Sports Show with the slogan Kids-R-#1. In this show she would have BMX riders, skateboarders, and inline skaters ride ramps and perform extreme tricks while providing inspirational messages to kids such as say no to drugs, stay in school, be kind to others and never give up.

“Gale’s show performed at many Menifee Schools, City events and fundraisers. With over 40 years of performing in Menifee, she has reached and motivated thousands of Menifee kids.”

Design plans are nearly complete for the pump track, which will be located on 8 acres at the southeast corner of Craig Avenue and Evans Road. Across the street at that intersection is the site of the proposed Evans Park.


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  1. I am so glad to call Gale my friend. She has given her life to promoting kids. She is so deserving of this honor. Congratulations to Gale Webb the "Skatebord Mom".
    Freddie De Sota

  2. Really great news...well deserved. Such a genuine, kind and giving individual. I'm really grateful for her friendship and are thrilled for Gail that she is receiving this honor.


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