Menifee PD produces PSA regarding traffic safety

As the City of Menifee and Menifee Police Department continue to study traffic flow in and around school zones following multiple accidents ...

As the City of Menifee and Menifee Police Department continue to study traffic flow in and around school zones following multiple accidents involving juvenile bicyclists, Menifee PD released the following public service announcement about motorist and pedestrian safety:

Since school has been in session, The Menifee Police Department has seen an increase of collisions involving vehicle versus pedestrians, bicyclists, and even scooters. Not all the collisions have been near Menifee schools, but these types of collisions are concerning. The at-fault party for these collisions has been the driver, the pedestrian, the bicyclist, and even the scooterist.

The one fact that did not change, is that every one of these collisions was avoidable if people were following the rules of the road. As such, we are urging you to do the following:


-- Only cross at marked crosswalks or intersections with a stop sign or signal (CVC 21954(a), CVC 21955(a)).
-- Look for cars backing up. Avoid going between parked cars.
-- Make eye contact with drivers. Don’t assume they see you.
-- Wear bright clothing during the day and use a flashlight when walking at night.
-- If crossing near a crossing guard, wait for their direction to proceed before entering the crosswalk.
-- If the pedestrian control signal is showing the word “WALK” or the approved “Walking person” symbol, you may cross when safe to do so (CVC 21456(a)).
-- If the pedestrian control signal is flashing a “DON’T WALK,” “WAIT,” or approved “Upraised hand” symbol, you may cross the street only if you can complete the crossing prior to the display of the steady “DON’T WALK,” “WAIT,” or approved “Upraised hand” symbol (CVC 21456(b)).
-- If the pedestrian control signal is a steady “DON’T WALK,” “WAIT,” or approved “Upraised hand” symbol, you shall not enter the roadway until receiving the “WALK” or the approved “Walking person” symbol (CVC 21456(c)).


-- Wait for pedestrians to cross the street. Be courteous and patient (CVC 21950(a)).
-- Yield to any crossing guards at intersections (CVC 21100.3).
-- Stay off the phone. Studies show that talking and texting while driving can make you more than 23 times more likely to be involved in a collision (CVC 23123(a), CVC 23123.5(a)).
-- No speeding. Speed limits are not suggestions (CVC 22350).
-- Make full and complete stops at red lights and stop signs, this includes for right hand, and left hand, turns (CVC 22450(a), CVC 21453(a), CVC 21453(b), CVC 21453(c)).
-- Look for pedestrians when backing up, turning at intersections or entering/exiting shopping centers.
-- Remember, the pillar between your windshield and front doors is a blind spot. Slow down and try to look around the pillar before proceeding.


-- Always wear a helmet. Helmets are required by law for anyone under 18, and they have been proven to reduce the severity of injuries in many collisions (CVC 21212(a)).
-- Bicyclists must travel in the same direction of traffic and have the same requirements as any slow-moving vehicle (CVC 21650.1).
-- Bicyclists should walk their bicycle through a crosswalk, as drivers are not expecting such a fast-moving object in a crosswalk. Crosswalks are extensions of a sidewalk. The vehicle code does not consider a bicyclist a pedestrian (CVC 467).
-- Utilize hand signals to indicate your intention to turn.

Motorized Scooters

-- Motorized scooters are considered motor vehicles and must follow the rules of the road.
-- Motorized scooters are only allowed to be operated on a roadway with a speed limit of 25 MPH or less (CVC 21235(b)). -- Motorized scooters are required to have a working brake (CVC 21235(a)).
-- The operator of a motorized scooter is required to wear a bicycle helmet, if under 18 (CVC 21235(c)).
-- The operator of a motorized scooter is required to possess a valid driver’s license or instruction permit (CVC 21235(d)).

The Menifee Police Department is committed to the safety and education of our citizens and encourages everyone to do their part in making our roadways a safer place. We encourage you to call the Police Department if you have any questions related to the law and/or roadway safety tips. 951-723-1500.


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  1. The biggest problem in Menifee is there are many streets that their is no sidewalks or bike lanes so cyclists and pedestrians have no choice but to go in the streets making it very dangerous. I do not know what the bussing situation is now in Menifee but I know a few years ago it was drastically reduced making harder for children to get to schools. It is just a matter of time before someone is killed. I know first hand what that is like since I lost a brother coming home from school by a vehicle. This happened many years ago but I can still remember it vividly. No one should have to got through that memory. I only hope the city of Menifee will make it safe for all children to get to school. It is your responsibility to make sure that happens. Of course children have to be aware of their surroundings but remember they are children and are not aware of their surroundings like most adults. Thank you for letting me share my opinion.


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