WWII veteran Reeder ready to celebrate 100th birthday
Ed Reeder (far right) and friends got together in celebration of his upcoming 100th birthday. (Menifee 24/7 photos) By Doug Spoon, Editor ...

Ed Reeder (far right) and friends got together in celebration of his upcoming 100th birthday. (Menifee 24/7 photos)
By Doug Spoon, Editor
Ed Reeder had just finished nine holes of golf when he relaxed with a glass of beer with friends at the Menifee Lakes Country Club Tuesday morning.
It was an impromptu celebration for Reeder, who will turn 100 years old on Sept. 5. Clearly, he has not slowed down a whole lot. Asked the secret for living to 100, he replied, “Be an old man.”
A 30-year resident of Menifee, Reeder was one of the original residents of the Palmilla community and was around when Menifee Lakes was created. He still plays golf twice a week and can be seen riding his three-wheel bicycle around the area.
Born in Capistrano Beach in 1921, Reeder said he was fascinated with aircraft from an early age. He was working as a flight instructor when he entered the U.S. Air Force in 1943. He rose to the rank of Major, was a squadron pilot and served as a flight instructor for his entire 21-year career in the military, including service in World War II, Korea and Vietnam. Reeder was stationed in Europe, Australia and the Western Pacific.
After being discharged in 1964, Reeder began a career in real estate. He was married for 65 years and had one son.
Asked about the highlights of his military career, Reeder said, “They’re all on that sheet of paper,” referring to an information sheet handed to a reporter. Pressed for details, he said, “There’s nothing more to say.”
The mild-mannered military veteran said he flew “whatever was on the flight line,” starting with gliders in 29 Palms and continuing with a variety of aircraft as an instructor at Air Force bases in Texas.
Now, with time to relax and reflect on his life, Reeder is happy with a round of golf and two martinis before dinner. That, he said, is the real secret to his longevity.
What a life. Hope you have many more years to enjoy. See you around the golf course. Frank Hall