EMWD offers payment assistance programs for customers
News release from Eastern Municipal Water District: PERRIS -- Eastern Municipal Water District continues to offer payment assistance prog...

News release from Eastern Municipal Water District:
PERRIS -- Eastern Municipal Water District continues to offer payment assistance programs for customers who may be facing financial difficulties with paying their water bills due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
While the Governor’s Executive Order currently prohibits shutoffs for non-payment, once that order is lifted, many customers with significant balances due may be at risk of shut off. To help customers manage outstanding balances, EMWD offers a range of programs to assist customers in becoming current on their bills, including:
Payment Extensions: Customers may schedule a payment extension using EMWD’s My Account portal at this link.
Payment Arrangements: Short- and long-term payment arrangements may be made to pay off a past-due balance.
Level Payment Program: This program allows qualified customers to pay EMWD bills in equal monthly payments, based on historical usage.
Help2Others Program: EMWD has partnered with the United Way of the Inland Valleys to provide financial assistance to qualified, low-income customers. Funding for the program is limited and eligibility information may be found at www.emwd.org/help2others.
EMWD’s Water Budget Based Rate Structure: EMWD’s rate structure is designed to provide the lowest rates to customers who remain within their water budget.
Additional resources through the County of Riverside and local cities may be available. Please visit https://www.emwd.org/payment-assistance-programs for more information.
“EMWD wants to be a partner to help our customers through these challenging times,” EMWD Board President Phil Paule said. “We know that many customers are facing unprecedented financial challenges, and we hope that these programs will be able to offer assistance to those customers in need.”
PERRIS -- Eastern Municipal Water District continues to offer payment assistance programs for customers who may be facing financial difficulties with paying their water bills due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
While the Governor’s Executive Order currently prohibits shutoffs for non-payment, once that order is lifted, many customers with significant balances due may be at risk of shut off. To help customers manage outstanding balances, EMWD offers a range of programs to assist customers in becoming current on their bills, including:
Payment Extensions: Customers may schedule a payment extension using EMWD’s My Account portal at this link.
Payment Arrangements: Short- and long-term payment arrangements may be made to pay off a past-due balance.
Level Payment Program: This program allows qualified customers to pay EMWD bills in equal monthly payments, based on historical usage.
Help2Others Program: EMWD has partnered with the United Way of the Inland Valleys to provide financial assistance to qualified, low-income customers. Funding for the program is limited and eligibility information may be found at www.emwd.org/help2others.
EMWD’s Water Budget Based Rate Structure: EMWD’s rate structure is designed to provide the lowest rates to customers who remain within their water budget.
Additional resources through the County of Riverside and local cities may be available. Please visit https://www.emwd.org/payment-assistance-programs for more information.
“EMWD wants to be a partner to help our customers through these challenging times,” EMWD Board President Phil Paule said. “We know that many customers are facing unprecedented financial challenges, and we hope that these programs will be able to offer assistance to those customers in need.”