Future school site to be examined for 'cultural resources'

This parcel of land is the future site of an elementary school to serve Menifee Union School District. (Staff photo)   By Doug Spoon, Edito...

This parcel of land is the future site of an elementary school to serve Menifee Union School District. (Staff photo)
By Doug Spoon, Editor

Plans are underway for an archeological study of the open field purchased by Menifee Union School District as the site for a new elementary school in Menifee.

Elementary School 15 will be built on the northwest corner of Briggs Road and Wickerd Road. It will be the closest school to Liberty High School, which will open on Leon Road in August. The school, which has not yet been named, is expected to open in 2024.

Before construction can begin, however, archeological monitoring that is required to satisfy the California Environmental Quality Act must take place. In order to receive clearance from an environmental standpoint to continue grading, the property must be examined by an outside company in consultation by representatives of the Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians for cultural resources.

Duke Cultural Resources Management LLC, which specializes in archeological, historical, and paleontological consulting services, has been contracted to provide monitoring during 60 days of “ground disturbance activities”, according to the contract approved by the MUSD Board of Trustees this week. The 46-acre property will be examined for the presence of archeological and/or paleontological resources.

The monitor will follow construction equipment as it moves soil on the site. The monitor will occasionally interrupt the process in order to take soil samples. If an archeological site, fossil, or any kind of Native American artifact is found or suspected to be present, the process will be delayed while testing is conducted.

Estimated cost of the service is $34,710. Duke CRM previously provided similar services prior to construction of Harvest Hill STEAM Academy and the MUSD district office.

The school site is located in a rural area, across from an open field and ranch property. Like much of the Menifee Valley area, it is possible that Native American artifacts will be found and must be preserved.


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  1. I agree that the bridge over salt creek and the extension of Ethan actually Rd. Should be priority over ant entertainment venue.


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