New, reappointed city commission members announced
Menifee City Council members on Wednesday announced the names of residents they have appointed -- and in many cases reappointed -- to city c...

Menifee City Council members on Wednesday announced the names of residents they have appointed -- and in many cases reappointed -- to city commissions and committees for the new year.
Each of the five council members is allowed to appoint one citizen to a seat on each of the four city commissions or committees. Following is the new makeup of those groups and the council member who appointed them:
Planning Commission:
Jeff LaDue (appointed by Robert Karwin)
Benjamin Diederich (reappointed by Matt Liesemeyer)
David White (appointed by Dean Deines)
Chris Thomas (reappointed by Lesa Sobek)
Randy Madrid (reappointed by Bill Zimmerman)
Parks, Recreation and Trails Commission:
Scott Bangle (appointed by Karwin)
Tom Giedroyce (reappointed by Liesemeyer)
Tony Amorelli (reappointed by Deines)
Rick Croy (reappointed by Sobek)
Bill Ackerman (reappointed by Zimmerman)
Measure DD Oversight Committee:
Al Powers (appointed by Karwin)
Ed Samuelson (reappointed by Liesemeyer)
April Lynn Smith (appointed by Deines)
Michael Cano (reappointed by Sobek)
Arthur King Ma (reappointed by Zimmerman)
Senior Advisory Committee:
Linda Blanche (reappointed by Karwin)
David Morse (reappointed by Liesemeyer)
Ann-Marie Novack (reappointed by Deines)
Bruce Atwood (appointed by Sobek)
Gloria Sanchez (reappointed by Zimmerman)
These commission and committee members will be sworn in at the next meeting of their respective groups.