Singleton, Padilla, O'Donnell sworn in on MUSD board
From left: Morgan Singleton, Xavier Padilla, Bob O'Donnell Newly elected trustees Morgan Singleton and Xavier Padilla and re-electe...

Singleton defeated three other candidates for the Area 5 seat, including Kenyon Jenkins. who was appointed to the board in 2019 after the election of William Hoag was nullified. Padilla ran unopposed for the Area 1 seat vacated by Reg Bennett, and longtime board member O'Donnell was re-elected as the lone candidate in Area 2.
Jackie Johansen and Kyle Root are the other MUSD board members. Johansen was selected by the board to serve as president again in 2021, with Root serving as vice president. Singleton will serve as clerk and Padilla as deputy clerk. The MUSD board meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month -- virtually only at this time, with video links listed on the district website.