Mayoral candidate Davis supports new PD, Measure DD
Editor's note: This is the third in a series of interviews with candidates for mayor and City Council in the City of Menifee. By Do...

Editor's note: This is the third in a series of interviews with candidates for mayor and City Council in the City of Menifee.
By Doug Spoon, Editor
Support of law enforcement, improvement of traffic flow and revitalization of local businesses are key points of the campaign platform of Keith Davis, a candidate for Mayor of Menifee.
Davis, 34, is a 13-year resident of Menifee. Married with two children, he is the owner of a Farmers Insurance agency in the Sun City community. This is his first run for public office.
“Politics has an importance I’ve always felt in my heart,” Davis said. “I saw the opportunity to do this. I intend to put other people’s interests before mine.”
Davis said he has had a lot of interaction with Menifee residents through his insurance businesses and previously as an employee with a Wells Fargo bank branch in Sun City. He has heard the concerns of residents about issues of crime and homelessness in the Cherry Hills Plaza and supports the increased commitment of the new Menifee Police Department.
“I know they have let some prisoners out early,” he said, referring to Gov. Gavin Newsom’s early release of thousands of prisoners during the COVID-19 pandemic. “That’s kind of pushing more crime our way. That is unacceptable.
“We’re too good a city to start going the opposite way. I am a big supporter of law enforcement, and as a minority candidate, I believe it’s important to show my support for the police.”
Along with that, Davis said he fully supports Measure DD, the 1 percent sales tax approved by voters in 2016 to further fund public safety. It brings in an estimated $11 million per year and has helped fund the Menifee PD, which has put a lot more officers on the streets since its launch July 1.
“I fully support what that has done for the city,” Davis said about Measure DD. “To see that go away … that would be disastrous. Menifee PD has brought us a resurgence of new officers, and they are needed. I don’t think we’re a troubled town, but there is more crime. The more officers we have on the streets, the safer the community is.”
In general, Davis said he is pleased with the direction Menifee is heading. Another reason he supports Measure DD is its positive impact on road improvements.
“I’m a proponent of fixing traffic problems,” he said. “Traffic on the bridges is a problem and we must continue to address that issue.”
In addition, Davis would like the city to support the revitalization of business in the Cherry Hills Plaza, the original shopping center of the area built for Sun City in the 1960s. He wants to seek ways to support small business owners in the center and make the area safer for customers.
Regarding closures during the COVID-19 pandemic, Davis said one of his biggest concerns is that churches are not allowed to re-open for indoor services.
“They mandated that churches and schools shut down, but stores and casinos are allowed to open,” Davis said. “Places of worship meet one day a week, and those holding services outside are practicing social distancing. I believe they are doing what they would need to do to meet safely indoors. I feel there’s a need for the governor to take another look at this.
“Even the barbershops and beauty salons. Those employees learn a lot about sanitation. If they work by appointment, they don’t have a lot of people inside at one time.”
More information about Davis’ campaign can be found on the Mayorkeithdavis Instagram page. Davis said he also plans to go door to door in the near future to meet with residents.