Residents to join in 'Menifee Heroes Drive-By' on Saturday
Menifee residents are invited to pay tribute to first responders and healthcare workers in a "Menifee Heroes Drive-By" parade pas...
Menifee residents are invited to pay tribute to first responders and healthcare workers in a "Menifee Heroes Drive-By" parade past the local police station, fire stations and hospitals on Saturday. The event is being organized by the Menifee Rotary Club.
Community members may meet at the entrance to Mt. San Jacinto College Saturday at 9 a.m. or join the parade at any of the following times and sites:
9 a.m. Meet at La Piedra Road entrance to MSJC
10 a.m. Depart MSJC
10:05 Arrive Station 76, Menifee and Newport Roads
10:10 Depart Station 76
10:20 Arrive City Hall, Police Station, PO Annex - Haun Road
10:35 Depart PO Annex
10:45 Arrive Fire Station 7 and Post Office - Sun City
11:00 Depart Sun City for Menifee Global Medical Center
11:10 Arrive Medical Center
11:20 Depart Medical Center for Quail Valley
11:40 Arrive Station 5 Quail Valley
11:45 Depart Quail Valley for Murrieta and Wickerd Roads
12:05 Arrive Station 68 Murrieta and Wickerd Roads
12:15 End of Drive-by