Local senior citizens staying 'vigilant' during COVID-19

Signs in front of Sun City Gardens pay tribute to the work of caregivers at the facility. Photo courtesy of Ted Holt By Doug Spoon, E...

Signs in front of Sun City Gardens pay tribute to the work of caregivers at the facility.
Photo courtesy of Ted Holt

By Doug Spoon, Editor

Even as healthcare workers at local facilities and City of Menifee staff members work to care for them, members of Menifee’s senior citizen community are showing the ability to care for each other during the COVID-19 pandemic.

May is Older Americans Month, which celebrates the contributions of seniors to their communities and the nation. This year’s theme, Mark Your Mark, was chosen to recognize those who help support seniors in the community and to the efforts of seniors themselves. This has been a challenge during the COVID-19 pandemic, but it hasn’t slowed the efforts in this segment of the community, says Menifee resident Gloria Sanchez.

“Here in the Oasis, we have been very vigilant,” said Sanchez, who lives in the Oasis retirement community and also serves as chair of the Menifee Senior Advisory Committee. “We believe the message we are sending resonates with seniors everywhere.”

Senior citizens make up the highest risk group during the pandemic, but the health of local seniors has endured during the crisis. Of the six people who have died from complications of the coronavirus in Menifee, four have been 60 or older. One of those was a resident of the Oasis who fell ill after returning from vacation, Sanchez said. But Sanchez said she is aware of only three Oasis residents who contracted the virus, and overall, seniors who are able to help each other are doing so, while residents of assisted living and nursing centers are receiving quality care.

“All the centers are being vigilant in making sure workers understand the importance of safety,” said Sanchez, who has been monitoring the situation in local senior communities. “They have very good caregivers.”

Ted Holt, director of Sun City Gardens, recently sent Menifee 24/7 a photo of the outside of the facility with signs stating “Heroes Work Here.”

In addition, the City of Menifee’s Community Services Department is assisting local seniors by providing daily meals available for pick-up at the Kay Ceniceros Senior Center. The department also provides monthly long-term meal packages for seniors who drive to the pick-up location.

“We’d like to thank the Community Services Department for their efforts.” said Sanchez (right). “The seniors don’t even have to get out of their car. They just pull up and the meals are handed to them.”

At the Oasis, Sanchez said a women’s quilting group was among the first groups to make masks for use during the pandemic. Masks were provided to all residents of Oasis. Donations for the masks were given to a local charity.

“We also set up a friendly call list, where we call to check on our neighbors,” Sanchez said. “We also do group shopping for those who need it.”

Sanchez said one couple at the Oasis donated their stimulus checks to needy families in Menifee.

“We’ll probably continue to wear masks,” Sanchez said. “Most of us feel and understand the need to take care of ourselves. We self-distance and we pray in our homes. We don’t really go out in groups.”

To learn more about activities and food distribution, seniors are encouraged to contact the Community Services Department at 951-672-9673, or to access all of the content and free meal distribution, visit the Community Services Department website at https://www.cityofmenifee.us/617/Senior-Activities.


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