Reaction to restrictions mixed as golf courses set to open
File photo by Justin Martinez By Doug Spoon, Editor Golf courses in Menifee are expected to open in the next day or two with the sa...
File photo by Justin Martinez |
By Doug Spoon, Editor
Golf courses in Menifee are expected to open in the next day or two with the same kind of restrictions mandated by Riverside County Health Department officials in several situations during the COVID-19 pandemic.
It has been nearly a month since golf courses were ordered closed by the City of Menifee; a similar order was given by County officials on April 2. In Monday’s revised order, golf courses are allowed to re-open with mandates to maintain social distancing, and with employees and golfers ordered to wear face coverings.
The County’s requirement to wear face masks when outside one’s home has been protested by many residents. Sheriff Chad Bianco said in a public announcement April 6 that deputies would not be stopping and/or fining residents for taking walks in open spaces without masks. But how will Menifee residents react to the revised order on local golf courses?
Most of the residents responding to Menifee 24/7 today said that they do not believe wearing a mask while out on the golf course is necessary. When asked whether they would comply with the order, reaction was mixed.
“I absolutely agree with re-opening the golf course,” said Menifee resident Tim Brown. “I believe with a little common sense, it can be done with zero risk -- especially to those that don’t participate. I’m going to be truthful; I don’t believe it is necessary for people to wear masks in outdoor spaces if they practice social distances. But that being said, I will follow the rules as set forth. I think we need to trust that the majority of the public isn’t going to disobey orders put in place.”
Charles Rock, another frequent golfer, had a somewhat different take on the issue.
“I don’t agree with wearing a mask as long as you’re with someone you live with,” Rock said. “I golf with at least one of my sons, if not both. Would I wear it in the clubhouse or if I were in contact with other people? Sure. I’m in healthcare. I’m an RCP, my wife’s an RN.
“The majority of the masks being used in public would not stop any disease transmission, especially COVID-19. They are giving people a false sense of security. I think most people would wear their masks at first but take them off after they got out on the course.”
Charmaine Summers is director of operations for Cherry Hills Golf Course. She said today that club ownership is simply waiting for written permission in the form of an email from the City of Menifee before re-opening, which could be as soon as Wednesday. She said the office has already received many calls from golfers, wanting to set up tee times.
Summers also said all employees at the golf course would be wearing masks and that golfers would be expected to do the same.
“I think people will do what it takes to get back on the course,” she said. “I’m assuming they will all abide by the rules. Even before we closed, we limited it to one person per cart. We sanitize the carts before they leave and after they come back.”
Menifee 24/7 reached out to the administration of Menifee Lakes Golf Course but did not receive a reply. A phone message today had not been updated since the day the course closed.
Monday’s revised order also included the following mandates about other outside activities and gatherings:
“The County further clarified that parks and trails remain open, including parking lots. Social distancing and face coverings must be maintained at all times. Allowed outdoor activities include hiking, biking and equestrian activities and other non-contact outdoor activities such as tennis and golf. Outdoor activities that remain prohibited include the use of picnic tables, playgrounds, team sports or other similar public events and gatherings.”
Jonathan Nicks, community services director for the City of Menifee, said he has reached out to the administration of both golf courses to confirm the order allowing them to re-open and reminding them of the restrictions. He left messages but had not received a response as of this afternoon.
In reference to the County’s mandates regarding other outdoor activities, Nicks referenced a different County order in an email to Menifee 24/7:
“The amendment does not change the previous order of the Health Officer from April 4 that states, ‘Parking lots at all parks and/or trails shall be closed and shall be accessible only by members of the public within walking distance of the parks and/or trails.’ So parking lots will be remain closed for now,” Nicks said.
He continued, “The City already has signs at all City-operated parks advising about social distancing and the City has shared with the public several times that face masks are required when going out in public. The amendment reinforces prior orders and specifically states ‘activities involving groups of children, adult or children team sports, spectator sports, or other similar public or private events and gatherings are prohibited.’"
There have been no visible efforts to monitor crowds of hikers at local trails, and there was no indication this week that there would be any sort of enforcement there. Even so, some residents are upset about the crowds gathering in such places.
“I've stopped walking/hiking up Menifee Road and the hills because 75 percent of the people aren't wearing masks,” said one resident, who asked to remain anonymous. “That includes a couple that passes my house every day pushing a stroller. If you want to see what's going on, drive down Menifee Road towards Aldergate and the hills where everyone made their own parking lot in the dirt. I told the City about it, but nothing was done.”
Others who enjoy hiking say they don’t believe face masks are necessary during their walks.
“I don't have a problem with people practicing social distancing in open areas if they want to,” said Marla Hunt, “but I do not think it should be a requirement and I do not feel that masks play any part in controlling the spread of a virus.”
Kevin Kortcamp says he plays golf regularly and does not believe a mask should be required if social distancing is maintained. He said he feels the same way about walking in other open spaces.
“I do believe you should try and practice social distancing everywhere, including open space and parks, at least until this virus really starts to slow down,” Kortcamp said.” For that reason, if social distancing is being achieved, then I believe a mask is not required.”
And this from Mark Stephens:
“I play golf two to three times a week and I agree with the re-opening of the course. I do not agree with wearing a mask while golfing … If people are practicing social distancing, it’s pointless to wear a mask. The same pretty much applies to parks and trails.”
Greg Wellen said that although he doesn’t play golf regularly, he would wear a mask when doing so as long as it’s required.
“I believe healthy people taking the right precautions can do this safely. Yes, I do agree with wearing a mask. And I will. I think most people will wear a mask.
“We had to ‘ramp up’ to quarantine. Now it looks like we are ‘ramping down.’ I do believe most people understand we cannot eliminate this virus completely, no matter what we do. I also believe most people know we have an obligation as we learn to live with this virus and that we must still be as cautious as we can to not let the spread overwhelm our hospitals.”