Project environmental report available for public review
Location of the proposed Fleming Ranch (now Legado Specific Plan) project is highlighted in red. The City of Menifee has announced a public...
Location of the proposed Fleming Ranch (now Legado Specific Plan) project is highlighted in red. |
The City of Menifee has announced a public review period for the Draft Environmental Impact Report regarding a proposed 331-acre development of residential and commercial structures known as Fleming Ranch.
The project would be built on vacant land bordered by Rouse Road to the north, Chambers Avenue to the south, Encanto Road to the west and the future extension of Antelope Road on open land to the east. Plans call for the project to including the following:
-- A 216-acre residential development of up to 1,061 single-family homes.
-- A 20-acre commercial business center.
-- A 22-acre parcel for recreation use, including a community park and center, a private recreation center and a series of paseos/neighborhood parks.
-- Open space conservation land use totaling 6.3 acres, including preservation of an existing knoll.
-- Open space-water land uses totaling 26 acres for water quality and detention basins.
Because of a new zoning map adopted by the Menifee City Council in December, the project's zoning designation and project name will be changed from Fleming Ranch Specific Plan Zone to Legado Specific Plan Zone, according to a City of Menifee news release.
One phase of the plan calls for a subdivision of the project area west of Sherman Road into 475 residential lots. Minimum lot sizes would vary from 5,000 square feet to 7,000 square feet. Another phase would subdivide the project area east of Sherman Road into 547 residential lots of similar size.
According to a city news release, it has been determined that "several issue areas may have significant effects on the environment, and therefore, are discussed in the Draft EIR."
Those issues include air quality, greenhouse gas emissions and transportation.
The Draft EIR is available for public review through Feb. 24. A public hearing regarding this issue will be announced at a later date. The document may be viewed at City Hall, 29844 Haun Road; at Paloma Valley Library, 31375 Bradley Road; at Sun City Library, 26982 Cherry Hills Blvd; or online at this link.
All comments on the Draft EIR must be submitted in writing and received no later than 5 p.m. Feb. 24 when addressed to Lisa Gordon, planning manager, 29844 Haun Road, Menifee CA 92586.