Sun City Travel Cub returns from trip to Italy
Members of the Sun City Travel Club pose in front of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Back Row: Carrie Olson, Ron Gabel, Joan Varela, Jerry and Ja...
Members of the Sun City Travel Club pose in front of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Back Row: Carrie Olson, Ron Gabel, Joan Varela, Jerry and Jan Guffey, Bobbi Fisher, Sue Bowen. Front Row: Debbie Gabel and Mary Tank. |
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The Sun City Senior Travel Club has returned from a fun-filled 11-day Italy Tour.
The Tour was exciting and filled with lots of historical sights, food and wine. Everyone had a great time! If you’re interested in traveling with a local Senior group, please come to one of our club meetings on the first Wednesday of the month at 12:45 p.m. at 26850 Sun City Blvd, Bldg C.
We go on multi-day tours and just regular day trips around the Southern California area. We’re a fun group and welcome all Seniors to our meetings and on our trips!