Holland Road overpass design timeline extended
Holland Road heads west right to the freeway, where a bridge will carry motorists to the other side. File photo By Doug Spoon, Edito...

Holland Road heads west right to the freeway, where a bridge will carry motorists to the other side. File photo |
By Doug Spoon, Editor
While construction of the new Scott Road Interchange continues on schedule for a spring 2020 opening, the timeline for the Holland Road overpass continues to be extended.
The City Council on May 1 approved an amendment to a contract with T.Y. Lin International Inc., which was hired in April 2014 to oversee design and engineering of the project. The contract, which was to expire June 30, has been extended another four years.
According to a city document justifying the amendment, the main reason for the extension is the ongoing process of acquiring right of way for the project. Holland Road runs right up to the freeway on the east side, but on the west side is an open area before Holland Road picks up again at Haun Road.
“Project design is approximately 95 percent complete, and will be finalized once the right-of-way acquisition process has been completed,” stated the city proposal for the contract extension. “It is anticipated that the project design phase will be completed in 2021, and the construction of the project completed by 2023.”
The Scott Road project was given priority over Holland because of its regional impact, officials said.
Graphic shows Holland Road now and how it would look as a freeway overpass. |