Menifee Skate Park will re-open Nov. 7 with new rules
The last re-opening of the skate park took place in March 2017, but problems resulted in another recent closure. Menifee 24/7 file photo ...
The last re-opening of the skate park took place in March 2017, but problems resulted in another recent closure. Menifee 24/7 file photo |
By Doug Spoon, Editor
The Audie Murphy Ranch Skate Park’s second closure because of behavioral problems will end Nov. 7, when the park will re-open with new policies and procedures.
The Menifee City Council approved such action at its Oct. 17 meeting. At that time, the park had been closed for about a week for safety concerns after a boy was assaulted near the park, council member Matt Liesemeyer said.
The new skate park hours will be 3-8 p.m. on weekdays and 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. on weekends, according to a City of Menifee news release. Anyone seen in or around the park outside those hours will be considered trespassing and authorities will be contacted.
The new policies and procedures being implemented include the following:
-- All participants must complete a registration packet, submit valid ID/proof of residency, and pay an annual pass fee to receive an annual membership to the AMR Skate Park.
-- Membership annual pass is $10 per resident and $100 per non-resident.
-- Minors must have a parent or guardian complete the registration packet.
-- Pre-registration for the Skate Park started Nov. 1 at the Community Services Department, 29995 Evans Road, during normal operating hours, Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
-- Staff will monitor the park during facility hours of operation and will enforce park rules and regulations.
-- Annual Pass membership and safety equipment is required for entry to AMR Skate Park.
-- All safety equipment must be worn while skating in the facility, including a helmet, elbow pads, and knee pads.
-- No person shall skate or skateboard at times other than the established hours of operation.
-- No person shall use the skateboarding areas for uses other than skateboarding, in-line skating, and hard wheel scooters.
-- No person shall ride or cause bicycles to be on the skating surface of the skateboarding areas.
-- All participants under the age of 14 must have adult supervision while in the park.
-- Participants must abide by all AMR Skate Park rules and staff instruction at all times.
-- If regulations are violated, the participants will be removed from the park.
-- Violations to the provisions is deemed to be an infraction and is punishable as such, according to the provisions of this Code and state law.
For more information, call 951-723-3880, email, or visit the city website at