Gray, Freeman seek to represent Menifee on PUHSD board
The race for a seat to represent Menifee on the Perris Union High School District board is heating up with the increased public presence o...
The race for a seat to represent Menifee on the Perris Union High School District board is heating up with the increased public presence of candidate Michael Gray.
Gray, a former teacher and administrator and current realtor, released the first public statement about his campaign platform earlier this month, and campaign workers began placing signs on local neighborhoods this week. He is opposing Randall Freeman, a retired teacher and current Menifee Union School District board member who has been actively campaigning for some time.
They are the only two candidates running to replace Carolyn Twyman, who is not seeking re-election. The Perris Union High School District includes Menifee high schools Paloma Valley and Heritage.
"There is a reason I have taken so long to make this official," Gray (right) wrote on his Facebook page Oct. 9. "Once I put my name 'in the ring', I decided I was going to take a long look at what is going on in our area as it comes to education in general. I have asked administrators, community leaders and families.
"I am not one of those guys who is going to go along for the ride. I want to serve with an open mind. I don't want any strings attached. Yes, if I am elected I am sure that I will make people upset because I don't vote their way or what they want. That is part of leadership. It isn't the most fun thing to do sometimes but well worth it.
"I worked in education for 18 1/2 years. I served as a teacher, coach and administrator. I have seen all facets of education, from curriculum to fiscal responsibility to all the politics that come with it. The number one reason I worked in education was because I wanted, and now wanting a different capacity, to do what is best for kids. That is it! Kids/students have enough challenges, from wondering if they will eat to if they will graduate from high school to what career path to take and everything in between.
"Interestingly enough, my two oldest daughters and son-in-law are graduates of Paloma Valley High School. I have my son and daughter who are a senior and freshman, respectively, at Paloma Valley High School as well. I am invested and will be committed in this endeavor."
Freeman (left) recently emailed the following to Menifee 24/7 in response to questions about his campaign platform:
"My interest in running for a seat on the PUHSD school board boils down to serving our future, our young people," Freeman wrote. "With three daughters who are seniors at Paloma Valley High School, I have become very familiar with not only PVHS but the other high schools and Pinacate Middle School. I have always been about our kids and what I can do to help them to become happy, healthy, and contributing members of society.
"I have 10 years of experience serving on the MUSD school board. Every decision I have made, every opinion I have proffered, has been with what I feel would best serve our children and our community. I have taken much personal time to become trained in the proper governance of a school board. This includes 30 hours of Saturdays participating in the Masters in Governance offered by the California School Boards Association, many varied workshops presented by CSBA and the Riverside County Office of Education.
"I have 30 years of teaching experience. I have provided free tutoring for children of the Boys & Girls Club of Menifee. I chaired Measure T in 2012. When the state withdrew matching funds for construction of our new high school, I was determined to participate in whatever was necessary to build the school. I have worked diligently for Measure W, which will finally provide the remaining funds to build our new high school.
"My interest in serving on the PUHSD school board revolves around what is best for our children. To this end, I would like to assist in repairing the current disconnect between the two school districts that serve our children. I believe that my purpose in life is to help guide our young people to take over for us when we are no longer here to do so."
Gray, a former teacher and administrator and current realtor, released the first public statement about his campaign platform earlier this month, and campaign workers began placing signs on local neighborhoods this week. He is opposing Randall Freeman, a retired teacher and current Menifee Union School District board member who has been actively campaigning for some time.
They are the only two candidates running to replace Carolyn Twyman, who is not seeking re-election. The Perris Union High School District includes Menifee high schools Paloma Valley and Heritage.
"There is a reason I have taken so long to make this official," Gray (right) wrote on his Facebook page Oct. 9. "Once I put my name 'in the ring', I decided I was going to take a long look at what is going on in our area as it comes to education in general. I have asked administrators, community leaders and families.
"I am not one of those guys who is going to go along for the ride. I want to serve with an open mind. I don't want any strings attached. Yes, if I am elected I am sure that I will make people upset because I don't vote their way or what they want. That is part of leadership. It isn't the most fun thing to do sometimes but well worth it.
"I worked in education for 18 1/2 years. I served as a teacher, coach and administrator. I have seen all facets of education, from curriculum to fiscal responsibility to all the politics that come with it. The number one reason I worked in education was because I wanted, and now wanting a different capacity, to do what is best for kids. That is it! Kids/students have enough challenges, from wondering if they will eat to if they will graduate from high school to what career path to take and everything in between.
"Interestingly enough, my two oldest daughters and son-in-law are graduates of Paloma Valley High School. I have my son and daughter who are a senior and freshman, respectively, at Paloma Valley High School as well. I am invested and will be committed in this endeavor."
Freeman (left) recently emailed the following to Menifee 24/7 in response to questions about his campaign platform:
"My interest in running for a seat on the PUHSD school board boils down to serving our future, our young people," Freeman wrote. "With three daughters who are seniors at Paloma Valley High School, I have become very familiar with not only PVHS but the other high schools and Pinacate Middle School. I have always been about our kids and what I can do to help them to become happy, healthy, and contributing members of society.
"I have 10 years of experience serving on the MUSD school board. Every decision I have made, every opinion I have proffered, has been with what I feel would best serve our children and our community. I have taken much personal time to become trained in the proper governance of a school board. This includes 30 hours of Saturdays participating in the Masters in Governance offered by the California School Boards Association, many varied workshops presented by CSBA and the Riverside County Office of Education.
"I have 30 years of teaching experience. I have provided free tutoring for children of the Boys & Girls Club of Menifee. I chaired Measure T in 2012. When the state withdrew matching funds for construction of our new high school, I was determined to participate in whatever was necessary to build the school. I have worked diligently for Measure W, which will finally provide the remaining funds to build our new high school.
"My interest in serving on the PUHSD school board revolves around what is best for our children. To this end, I would like to assist in repairing the current disconnect between the two school districts that serve our children. I believe that my purpose in life is to help guide our young people to take over for us when we are no longer here to do so."