MUSD proposed hiring of executive with felony record
Menifee Union School District officials had no comment Wednesday regarding allegations questioning the hiring process for an executive po...
Menifee Union School District officials had no comment Wednesday regarding allegations questioning the hiring process for an executive position and the proposed hiring of a man previously indicted on felony conflict of interest charges.
The agenda for the May 8 MUSD board meeting included a personnel item recommending the board approve the hiring of Ludwig Velez as Executive Director of Facilities and Operational Services, effective May 21. Without explanation, the item was pulled from the agenda at the start of the meeting.
Six days later, at another MUSD board meeting, three individuals expressed concern over the proposed Velez hiring process. Brenda Myers, president of the Menifee Teachers Association, alleged in her comments to the board that the position was especially created for Velez.
In July 2007, Velez was indicted on charges that he used his elected position as Hawthorne City Council member to trade favors with a developer. According to a report in the Los Angeles Times, Velez rented his home from a developer who later came before Hawthorne's City Hall to bid on projects. Velez was indicted on felony charges and pleaded guilty in Feb. 2008 to avoid jail time.
According to a 2008 article in the Los Angeles Daily News, the court action prohibits Velez from ever running for public office in California. Velez, who had faced three years in prison, was sentenced to one year of probation and required to pay $1,000 in fines plus court fees.
Myers expressed concern about an allegedly expedited hiring process and the creation of a new position of Executive Director of Facilities in the District.
According to the website, Velez' total salary package as Facilities Director with the Hawthorne School District in 2016 was $156,351. The MUSD Facilities Department is currently headed by a Director, Bruce Shaw, who is retiring this year. His 2016 salary (including benefits), according to, was $137,745.
Among the concerns expressed by Myers was "the necessity of filling a position that currently is a Director’s position, and now is to be an Executive Director’s position. The salary for this Executive Director is not to exceed $141,948. In a time when departments are taking cuts, why is this position being filled at a higher cost?"
Myers also alleged favoritism in the hiring process.
"First, more than six months ago, I was told that 'a friend' from Hawthorne would be coming to Menifee to work in the Facilities Department," Myers said. "It appears then that this position was 'created' for this friend months before April of 2018 [when the position was approved by the board].
"Second, this executive position flew on EDJOIN.ORG for four business days. Perhaps this was a sufficient amount of time to gather enough applications, but considering the level of this position, more time may have been given to allow for qualified applicants to apply.
"The application deadline was Tuesday, May 1, at 4:30 pm. By May 4, Mr. Velez’s name was on the Board Agenda for approval. It took two days, two and a half at the most, for all applicants to be screened, interviewed and one selected. Again, would not more time be given to find the most qualified applicant to fill the position?"
Another speaker during the May 14 meeting was Jackie Johansen, a teacher in another school district who lives in Menifee.
"If [Velez] is being considered, who recommended him or vetted Mr. Velez and why was he selected for the position?" Johansen asked. "Was he a longtime friend of anyone already in the district?
"Were the appropriate procedures followed in flying and attempting to fill this position? If so, I cannot imagine that Mr. Velez would still emerge as a top-level candidate in our great district."
Because of Brown Act restrictions, board members were prohibited from responding to the public comments at that meeting. The item was not on the May 22 MUSD agenda. Asked about the situation on Wednesday, MUSD public information officer Betti Cadmus replied that the district cannot discuss confidential personnel matters.
Interesting, sounds like we need to pay a little more attention to how our school funds are being allocated.