Homeless Task Force begins awareness campaign

Representatives of the Menifee Homeless Task Force will soon begin distributing door hangers in neighborhoods around town, giving suggestion...

Representatives of the Menifee Homeless Task Force will soon begin distributing door hangers in neighborhoods around town, giving suggestions for residents on how to deal with homeless individuals.

The task force has been meeting for several months, with city officials, church representatives and other residents working on constructive ways for those in Menifee to offer help to the homeless. As the door hangers suggest, residents are urged to report illegal panhandling, refuse requests for money and direct the homeless to organizations that can help them.

City Council member Lesa Sobek, a member of both the Menifee and Southwest Riverside Regional homeless task forces, reminds residents who are approached this week by homeless individuals that a good way to help them is recommend that they attend the free Thanksgiving Day meal being served at Kay Ceniceros Center.

"Even if they don't have a ticket (for a free reservation), we won't turn anyone away," Sobek said about the Thanksgiving dinner, which is funded by Accurate Leak Locators plumbing and coordinated by the Menifee Interfaith Council. "We will have sittings at noon, 2 and 4. We encourage anyone who is alone, homeless, struggling in any way to come and enjoy a good meal and some company."

Sobek said she realizes that some homeless individuals are very good at tricking innocent residents into giving them money, which they often use to buy drugs. Local police officers have often confirmed this as well.

"The majority of panhandlers we see work in teams," Sobek said. "They are actually using the money given to them to support their drug habits. If our residents weren't so generous, they would leave. People are so kind ... some homeless have been known to take the taco you buy them back into the place to try and get money for it."

The door hangers are about 12 inches by 4 inches and probably won't be distributed until after the holidays, Sobek said. Anyone wishing to have one may do so by visiting justserve.org or emailing jhendrix@cityofmenifee.us. Local businesses may also soon be able to purchase posters to display, Sobek said.

"The first thing we need to do is educate the community," Sobek said.


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