Back to School night unites parents, staff at Santa Rosa
By Emily Hoos Menifee 24/7 intern It’s that time of year again, where kids try desperately to hold back tears and parents wave their gr...
By Emily Hoos
Menifee 24/7 intern
It’s that time of year again, where kids try desperately to hold back tears and parents wave their grateful goodbyes to the long summer that is now behind them. School is back in session and this year, it’s coming with a bang.
Santa Rosa Academy, a kindergarten through 12th grade charter school in Menifee, hosted their Back to School night Thursday. Parents commented that it was uplifting, informative, and left them at peace knowing their children were in good hands.
Back to School night may seem like one of the lesser events put on by Santa Rosa, but it is, in fact, one of the most important ones. This event helps teachers and parents establish a healthy communicative relationship for the benefit of their child’s education.
Mrs. Brown, third grade blue track teacher at Santa Rosa Academy, said, "Back to School Night is a very important event that establishes 'parents as partners' with teachers in guiding, supporting, and encouraging students in their academic achievement."
Back to School night helps form a bond between the teacher and parent so that they can work together to ensure that their child is receiving the best education available to them, engendering peace among the parents.
Menifee 24/7 intern
It’s that time of year again, where kids try desperately to hold back tears and parents wave their grateful goodbyes to the long summer that is now behind them. School is back in session and this year, it’s coming with a bang.
Santa Rosa Academy, a kindergarten through 12th grade charter school in Menifee, hosted their Back to School night Thursday. Parents commented that it was uplifting, informative, and left them at peace knowing their children were in good hands.
Back to School night may seem like one of the lesser events put on by Santa Rosa, but it is, in fact, one of the most important ones. This event helps teachers and parents establish a healthy communicative relationship for the benefit of their child’s education.
Mrs. Brown, third grade blue track teacher at Santa Rosa Academy, said, "Back to School Night is a very important event that establishes 'parents as partners' with teachers in guiding, supporting, and encouraging students in their academic achievement."
Back to School night helps form a bond between the teacher and parent so that they can work together to ensure that their child is receiving the best education available to them, engendering peace among the parents.