The beauty of a hawk in flight over Menifee golf course
This beautiful photo of a hawk in flight over Cherry Hills Golf Course was taken without special equipment and without any enhancement. We...

This beautiful photo of a hawk in flight over Cherry Hills Golf Course was taken without special equipment and without any enhancement. We'll let the photographer, Richard Davies, tell the story:
"I caught this hawk in flight on May 6, as the sun was setting. I just bought a camera a couple months ago as a hobby. I really enjoy it and have been taking some 'wildlife' from our yard (I live on this golf course). I saw this hawk standing out in the field, grabbed my camera and waited for him to take off to get some in-flight photos. I set my camera on sports mode -- 300mm lens -- not that fast, doing manual mode, and captured this shot."
We always enjoy seeing photos of the wildlife in and around Menifee and thank Richard for his patience in getting this shot. He is now eligible for the Photo of the Month award in our Menifee in Pictures contest.
"Menifee in Pictures" is a regular feature on Menifee 24/7. Readers are invited to contribute photos for publication. Email your photos as a .jpg file to and selected photos will be published, along with your name as the photographer. Please include your full name on the submission and any explanation about where and when the photo was taken. If your photo is selected from among those published as the photo of the month, you will win a gift certificate from Merna's Cafe, where great American and Mediterranean food is served in the Sun City community in Menifee.