Candidate Winter benefits from Mann's troubles

Neil Winter, who spends his days waving to motorists from local street corners, may benefit from opponent Scott Mann's problems. Pho...

Neil Winter, who spends his days waving to motorists from local street corners, may benefit from opponent Scott Mann's problems.
Photo courtesy of Neil Winter Facebook page

During last Tuesday's candidates forum, Menifee Mayor Scott Mann spoke at length about the advantage he believes he enjoys over opponent Neil Winter because of his government experience.

Today, it appears Winter may be gaining an advantage of his own.

As Winter put it, "social media is running amok" following an announcement Friday by the Fair Political Practices Commission that Mann must pay a $60,000 penalty for misappropriation of campaign funds. Whether it be the Menifee 24/7 Facebook page, Winter's Facebook page or elsewhere, it seems everyone has a strong opinion about what this announcement has done to the mayoral race.

Winter says that includes many residents who have told him they are switching their vote from Mann to Winter because of the news.

"I've gotten a lot of positive feedback," said Winter, who is trying to win a government seat for the first time. "So many people have come to me with stories about Scott Mann's past. You could say it's hearsay, but where there's smoke, there's fire.

"I'm getting a lot of emails from supporters, but it's not just emails. I've had people come up to me and ask me what my political stance is because of this. Some have said, 'I was going to vote for Scott Mann and I hadn't given much thought to you. Now I need to know.' "

Promoting himself as somewhat of a people's candidate, Winter spends several hours each day out in the community, standing on street corners holding campaign signs and talking with residents and motorists that pass by. He believes this is a display of his commitment to be a "full-time mayor". Although he lacks city government experience, there's no doubt he makes himself accessible to residents.

Winter said that shortly after the news about Mann broke Friday afternoon, a car pulled up to the corner he was standing on and asked if he had heard the news. After informing him and asking about his political party (like Mann, Republican), the two occupants told Winter "you've got my vote."

This is not to say that Winter is gloating in the wake of Mann's troubles. Quite the contrary.

"I truly am sorry this happened," he said. "I wish he hadn't done it. But you do things like that and it just gets bigger and bigger. It becomes part of your persona.

"I just want to prove, by going out every day, that I can have some value to the city. I will continue campaigning as usual because I know he's not going to stop. I think he'll figure out a way to deal with this."

Not surprisingly, Winter said he agreed with the stance of State Senator Jeff Stone, a Mann supporter since before the days Menifee was incorporated. In a Facebook post on Friday, Stone called for Mann's resignation.

"I do agree with that," Winter said. "If it was a one-time event, maybe not. But it appears these are multiple events over the years."

As for the candidates forum last Tuesday? Winter said he felt at a disadvantage because audience questions submitted by his supporters weren't accepted by the moderators to be asked.

"The questions posed by the panel were fair, but when you get questions fed by the crowd ... I'm not going to lie with my answers. I know I'll have a big learning curve. But I thought the process was tainted. They said the questions my supporters submitted were rejected because they couldn't be answered by both candidates. They were questions about Scott's past."

Winter said he and Mann both previously agreed to appear at a second forum Oct. 21, sponsored by the Sun City Civic Association. He said he doesn't know how current events will affect that event.

"I doubt Scott will go now," Winter said. "I won't go if it's a forum format. I will go if it's a debate. He has to reveal the truth."


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  1. Mr. Neil Winter will have my vote.

  2. Anyone who would "misappropriate" (steal, pilfer, etc.) campaign funds will not get my vote. Mr. Winter is the obvious choice in this election. Not saying he was not a worthy competitor before this scandal, but now he has no competition in my book...

  3. No disrespect to Mr. Winter but I just wish we had more choices. With it being so close to the election no time for the public to learn his stance on issues. It seems like the votes will be a vote against Mr. Mann and not necessarily for Mr. Winter.

  4. There were only 2 candidates to begin with and thus if people were not checking out the 2 candidates to begin with then that is their problem. And, with 17 days left before the election there is more than enough time left to learn his stance on the issues. Also, Mr.Winter announced a few months ago he was running for Mayor so again more than enough time was given.


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