City Council members confirm anger over $12,400 check, yet ask residents to keep civic issues in perspective
Menifee Mayor Scott Mann (left) and city manager Rob Johnson were the principals in a disputed check for $12,400. Menifee 24/7 photos: Kr...
Menifee Mayor Scott Mann (left) and city manager Rob Johnson were the principals in a disputed check for $12,400. Menifee 24/7 photos: Kristen Spoon |
Two members of the Menifee City Council today told Menifee 24/7 that while they were strongly opposed to a City check written to fund a three-week seminar for Mayor Scott Mann, they are asking residents to keep this issue separate from the proposed 1 percent sales tax measure on the November ballot.
City officials are concerned about public reaction to the news reported here Thursday that city manager Rob Johnson was asked by Mayor Scott Mann and agreed to write a $12,400 check to fund a three-week training seminar for Mann at Harvard in July.
Reader comments on the Menifee 24/7 Facebook page in response to the article included, "Well, that didn't take long for the corruption to start in being a city" and "Vote no on the tax hike. As our city grows larger, more officials will take advantage of the budget."
The check was eventually voided and no City funds were used to pay for Mann's trip -- but only after the discovery of the proposed expense by other city council members who objected. Yet even while they admit being among those whose objections killed the proposed expense, council members Lesa Sobek and Matt Liesemeyer said today they have another message for residents: That those accusing the City of misuse of funds should not use this situation as basis for a decision to vote no on Measure DD -- which they believe is vital to Menifee's continued operation as an incorporated city.

"Although this check may have been within the signing authority of the city manager, I was shocked to learn of this expenditure given our current budget situation, and the check was cancelled. As a result of the events, at a subsequent Council meeting I made a request of city attorney to create a policy for more transparency as it relates to expenditures by council members.
"While I believe that this isolated incident reveals a needed policy change, it is certainly not a factor in the necessity to float a sales tax measure for vote by our constituents this November. The measure was necessitated by the aforementioned VLF being taken by Governor Brown and the rising costs of public safety, both of which are outside the city's control."
The City Council met in closed session before Wednesday night's meeting and took the unusual step of going back into closed session after the public meeting. One of the items of discussion, as listed on the agenda, was a performance evaluation of Johnson, the city manager. That action is being taken as the result of a council decision during its Aug. 3 meeting.
Liesemeyer made the motion, which was seconded by council member Greg August and approved. Liesemeyer said today he could not discuss details surrounding the performance review because it is a personnel matter.
August did not return a phone call requesting comment on the voided check situation. Reached by phone, council member John Denver declined to comment.
Sobek said today that she began investigating the proposed $12,400 expense as soon as she heard the check had been written. She also said that a statement in Thursday's Menifee 24/7 article that the check was voided the same day it was written may be incorrect. She said the check was given to Mann, who later returned it. She is not sure how long that took.
A City of Menifee accounts payable document shows a check requisition dated April 18 in the amount of $12,400 for "state and local government program." An image of the check shows it was dated April 29. The word "void" is written across it. That voided check was not listed on the warrant registry made available to the public.
Asked in an email to confirm that he had been given the check and how long he held onto it before returning it, Mann did not respond.
Sobek (right) said she was very concerned about the expenditure request and confirmed that city staff and council have agreed to work on a policy covering such situations. At the same time, she stressed the importance of the sales tax initiative to fund city services and urges residents to vote for it. She issued the following statement to Menifee 24/7, addressing the residents of Menifee:
In reading the Menifee 24/7 article last night, I felt a need to clarify some things.
My constituents elected me to represent their interests and be a faithful steward in the city of Menifee, to watch over the city budget and to be transparent in dealing with issues of city government. I took an oath of office to do those very things. Once I found out about the mayor's request, I started doing some investigating.
Even though the city manager acted within the parameters of his job, no laws were broken and the check was returned, I do feel that this decision should have come before the City Council. Since then, we as a council are in the process in establishing policy to ensure this type of action cannot happen again.
I don't want our community to misunderstand other important issues here. The citizens need to understand what our state governor has done to us in the city of Menifee. In 2011, he took away our Vehicle License Fee, which equals $50 per capita. Menifee has lost $21,358,500. I don't know about you, but I still have to pay my vehicle license fees each year and my city doesn't receive its fair share back. Look at what surrounding cities have received since 2011:
Murrieta -- almost $33 million
Temecula -- $31 million-plus
Hemet -- $28 million-plus
Lake Elsinore -- nearly $17 million
Canyon Lake -- $3 million-plus
Perris -- $21 million
For the past three years, Senate bills have gone before our governor to sign that reinstates our VLF and he has vetoed them. Right now SB 817, which would reinstate our VLF fees, is sitting on his desk, awaiting his signature. Have you sent your message to the governor's office asking him to sign SB 817?
City expenses have been reduced by $4.7 million in fiscal year 2015-16 and $2.3 million in FY 2016-17. Public safety is currently 66 percent of the city general fund budget. Crime has increased all over the state because of AB109 and Prop 47 (the governor's early release bill). In Menifee, crime has increased 13 percent. We can't and haven't been able to afford to hire new officers.
I receive regular complaints from our citizens about the increased transients, Scott Road traffic, police response time, lack of road maintenance, mailbox theft, slow city response to issues and more. Captain (Brandon) Ford, our police chief, has said, "We are doing the best we can with the resources we have." Our City Hall is getting by with limited and overworked staff, which affects all of our city services.
There is nowhere else to cut. For our FY 2016-17 budget, we had reach into our reserves for $2.4 million to balance the budget. This just isn't doable for the long term.
I consider myself a fiscal conservative. I have lived by the following philosophy: "Use it up, make it do or do without." I do believe in allowing our citizens to make their own decisions and vote accordingly. But I also understand what our state has done to our community and the financial hardship our governor has put us in.
We are a great city. I've lived here for 27 years and have enjoyed the quality of life in Menifee. I've also learned that to have a quality city, you need to make public safety a number 1 priority. It's a trickle down effect. A quality city has a strong high-pressure police department and good fire department. Then you have builders who will build quality homes and home values stay strong. Your schools are great and quality businesses want to come.
Maybe this analogy will help: You own your home and have lost 15 percent of your income. You're just getting by, making your house payment each month, and you've had to borrow from Peter to pay Paul for all your other bills. You've cut groceries, kids' piano lessons, your credit cards are at their limits, etc. You get the idea. Do you let the house go back to the bank or do you get a part-time job? What do you do?
This is where we are as a city. I hope this has helped explain a little of the big picture of what the city of Menifee is facing. I believe in letting you have a choice. I encourage you to study the facts and let your voice be heard on Nov. 8.
Lesa Sobek
Menifee councilwoman, District 3
The city has been crying over these vehicle license fees for 8 years now. It is about time to stop crying and start watching what they spend. Why was the city manager given a 6% raise this year with the worry over the budget? Someone needs to see why Moreno Valley School District would pay for half of Scott Mann's trip to Harvard when he is not mayor of their city and it would not relate to his job with them. This should be investigated farther and the citizens need answers not cover up.
ReplyDeleteThen go to the State and do your appointed job to receive these funds. Quit hiring city management that you still pay for years. Stop tagging citizens for the shortcomings of council. Sounds like the surrounding communities have influential city management, and we are still suffering with no end in sight.
ReplyDeleteI think Lesa's letter is a stand-alone and should be separate from Scott Mann's questionable expenses. Thank you for watching him like a hawk. Please continue to do so.
ReplyDeleteThe fact that our state is passing laws on young cities that steals their revenues is another matter altogether. The only four cities in the state that are having their money taken (that I know of) are Menifee, Wildomar, Eastvale and Jurupa Valley. Every other city in the state is receiving millions of dollars every year in VLF.
I also think that Lesa's letter should have included a link to sign a petition to the Governor regarding VLF's. The link would encourage more people to follow through. It is ridiculous that surrounding cities are receiving these funds while the state keeps ours. Our family licenses two cars per year, which is an extra $100 that is going to the state instead of Menifee.
It's time for a change! This story should make it clear to everyone, If the mayor "Scott Mann" is willing to Take Your Money for a 3 week joy ride! maybe you have to wonder if has he looked into how the city spends money and what could be done to reduce expenditures. Not bringing it to the council for a vote also says a lot about Scott Mann -
ReplyDeleteVOTE NO ON DD and Scott "hangman" Mann. He has proven to not only being unable to control his Twitter account but now he gets caught with $ 12400 check that he affixed his signature on to authorize payment to himself for a three week junket (Vacation)Only thing he said when it was found out was he didn't realize his
ReplyDeletecouncil members would object, I guess us plan old citizens don't really matter to crooked Scott Mann.