Valley-Wide Recreation Easter Egg Hunt a Huge Success
Hundreds of local children raced across a field outside Marion Ashley Center Saturday in one of the most fun annual traditions -- the Easte...
Hundreds of local children raced across a field outside Marion Ashley Center Saturday in one of the most fun annual traditions -- the Easter Egg Hunt.
This event was sponsored by Valley-Wide Recreation and Park District. Children were split into several ages groups and raced to find eggs with which to fill their baskets. There were also games for the kids and a jelly bean count contest.
There was even an egg hunt for children ages 0-2. Of course, they had some help from the parents. Kids posed for pictures and showed off their bright Easter outfits, as did Faise Tamale, age 6 (at left).
Below, Matt Duarte of the Valley-Wide board passes out eggs to those who arrived a bit late to fill their baskets. He made sure no one went home without some of the brightly colored treasures.