Heritage High to Host County Academic Decathlon

Heritage High School will host 24 high school teams and will be the only local school to participate in the 33rd annual Riverside County Ac...

Heritage High School will host 24 high school teams and will be the only local school to participate in the 33rd annual Riverside County Academic Decathlon the next two Saturdays.

The first day of competition this Saturday will include essay writing, speeches, and interviews. The highlight of the event comes the following Saturday, Feb. 6. That day, teams will compete via written tests and in the popular Super Quiz, the only part of the event open to the public.

In the Super Quiz, which will begin at 1 p.m. in the Heritage High gym, team members can confer with one another for 10 seconds before answering quiz questions. The awards ceremony will follow at 4 p.m. in the Heritage High theater.

The winner of this competition will represent Riverside County at the California Academic Decathlon March 17-20 in Sacramento.

Last year, West Valley High School won over 19 other schools, marking the school's sixth championship in the last seven years.


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