DAR Members Accept Proclamation of Constitution Week
From left: Council member Matt Liesemeyer; Mayor Scott Mann; Daughters of the American Revolution representatives Thenell Hanggi, Bonnie H...

From left: Council member Matt Liesemeyer; Mayor Scott Mann; Daughters of the American Revolution representatives Thenell Hanggi, Bonnie Hayosh and Pat Rainier; Mayor Pro Tem John Denver; council member Greg August. Menifee 24/7 photo: Kristen Spoon |
Mayor Scott Mann presented a proclamation acknowledging Sept. 17-23 as Constitution Week in Menifee to members of the Daughters of the American Revolution during the City Council meeting of Wednesday, Sept. 2.
Mann was joined by council members John Denver, Matt Liesemeyer and Greg August in presenting a copy of the proclamation to Bonnie Hayosh, Thenell Hanggi and Pat Rainier, who are members of the Luiseno Chapter of the DAR. Constitution Week, commemorating the adoption of the U.S. Constitution in 1787, was enacted in 1956 by President Dwight Eisenhower from a Congressional resolution petitioned by the Daughters of the American Revolution.
The purpose of Constitution Week is to promote study and education about the Constitution. The Luiseno Chapter of the DAR began with a handful of members meeting in Sun City in 1966 and has grown to a group of over 100 that now meets at the Temecula Valley Assistance League office.
On Sept. 17 at 1 p.m., to signal the start of Constitution Week, members of the DAR will participate in a bell ringing event at Sam Hicks Park in Temecula.
Members of the Daughters of the American Revolution have traced their lineage to a patriot of the Revolution.