What's Up, Doc? The Rewards of Being a Teacher
By Randall Freeman, PhD Twenty seven years (and counting), 30 classrooms, two school districts, seven schools, 14 principals, only God kno...

By Randall Freeman, PhD
Twenty seven years (and counting), 30 classrooms, two school districts, seven schools, 14 principals, only God knows how many students. I love being a teacher!
I have spent the last 26 years of my teaching career in a neighboring school district. I was hired by the district, so as a district employee, I am subject (no pun intended) to teach at whichever district school I am needed. With a multiple-subject credential, I am qualified to teach any self-contained classroom, transitional kindergarten through 12th grade. Fortunately for me, secondary grades are usually not self-contained, so I stick to elementary school.
I thoroughly enjoy teaching the little ones but could be called upon to teach the older ones. I have done so in the past and could again in the future. That's the teaching profession.
I am responsible for setting up my classroom, maintaining it per standards, and cleaning it at the end of the year. The nice thing is that I enjoy coordinating my classroom environment to suit my style, not the style of my wife or family. It's all me. My classroom reflects my personality, such as it is.
I am responsible for the safety, socialization growth, academic progress, and just about everything else for my students, whether it be for one day or an entire school year. We bond, we become a family. It is a tremendous responsibility and a great joy.
I am the Great Communicator. I visit with families on a daily basis, I share the whines and the challenges. We plan for the present and the future. I meet with teachers, administrators, and staff to share concerns and ideas for interventions. I meet with students to encourage, teach, learn, mediate, and much more each day.
I wipe noses and I soften pain, whether physical or emotional. I arbitrate problems, assist children in mediating conflict. I listen to students share joy and sorrow. I lend a listening ear. I don't judge.
I celebrate successes and share in challenges. I encourage responsibility, caring, trustworthiness, and the other character traits of a successful individual. I assess progress and plan improvement for the children and for my teaching.
I am counselor, custodian, mother, father, uncle/aunt. I am nurse, cop, safety patrol officer. There is much more.
I teach. It is the greatest profession in the world.
Randy Freeman and his family have lived in Menifee since 1993. Randy teaches kindergarten in Perris and his lovely wife Karen teaches first grade here in Menifee at Freedom Crest Elementary School. They are the proud parents of four beautiful daughters: Daniela, 18, and 14-year-old triplets Sarah, Holly, and Megan. Other family members include dogs Scruffy, Mikko, & Max, 17-year-old cat Hunter, and turtle Tuttles. Randy earned his PhD in early childhood education in 2011 and has served on the Menifee Union School Board since 2008. Randy has wisely decided to delete the bit about being Karen's boss in order to continue living in his happy home.
Twenty seven years (and counting), 30 classrooms, two school districts, seven schools, 14 principals, only God knows how many students. I love being a teacher!
I have spent the last 26 years of my teaching career in a neighboring school district. I was hired by the district, so as a district employee, I am subject (no pun intended) to teach at whichever district school I am needed. With a multiple-subject credential, I am qualified to teach any self-contained classroom, transitional kindergarten through 12th grade. Fortunately for me, secondary grades are usually not self-contained, so I stick to elementary school.
I thoroughly enjoy teaching the little ones but could be called upon to teach the older ones. I have done so in the past and could again in the future. That's the teaching profession.
I am responsible for setting up my classroom, maintaining it per standards, and cleaning it at the end of the year. The nice thing is that I enjoy coordinating my classroom environment to suit my style, not the style of my wife or family. It's all me. My classroom reflects my personality, such as it is.
I am responsible for the safety, socialization growth, academic progress, and just about everything else for my students, whether it be for one day or an entire school year. We bond, we become a family. It is a tremendous responsibility and a great joy.
I am the Great Communicator. I visit with families on a daily basis, I share the whines and the challenges. We plan for the present and the future. I meet with teachers, administrators, and staff to share concerns and ideas for interventions. I meet with students to encourage, teach, learn, mediate, and much more each day.
I wipe noses and I soften pain, whether physical or emotional. I arbitrate problems, assist children in mediating conflict. I listen to students share joy and sorrow. I lend a listening ear. I don't judge.
I celebrate successes and share in challenges. I encourage responsibility, caring, trustworthiness, and the other character traits of a successful individual. I assess progress and plan improvement for the children and for my teaching.
I am counselor, custodian, mother, father, uncle/aunt. I am nurse, cop, safety patrol officer. There is much more.
I teach. It is the greatest profession in the world.
Randy Freeman and his family have lived in Menifee since 1993. Randy teaches kindergarten in Perris and his lovely wife Karen teaches first grade here in Menifee at Freedom Crest Elementary School. They are the proud parents of four beautiful daughters: Daniela, 18, and 14-year-old triplets Sarah, Holly, and Megan. Other family members include dogs Scruffy, Mikko, & Max, 17-year-old cat Hunter, and turtle Tuttles. Randy earned his PhD in early childhood education in 2011 and has served on the Menifee Union School Board since 2008. Randy has wisely decided to delete the bit about being Karen's boss in order to continue living in his happy home.