Edgerton Left Memorable Legacy in Start of a New City

Wallace Edgerton (center) presides over the first public meeting of the Menifee City Council on June 18, 2008 at Kay Ceniceros Center. O...

Wallace Edgerton (center) presides over the first public meeting of the Menifee City Council on June 18, 2008 at Kay Ceniceros Center. Other original council members were Scott Mann, Darcy Kuenzi, Fred Twyman and John Denver.
Menifee 24/7 photos

Some called him a maverick in local politics, fighting for the rights of the rural community and advocating slow growth in Menifee. Others had fun with him over his sometimes long, rambling speeches during city council discussions. Some politicians butted heads with him over city issues. Still others praised him for being dedicated to his constituents.

No matter what you said or thought about Menifee City Council member Wallace Edgerton, who died Tuesday at the age of 81, you'd have a hard time challenging his commitment to the job.

For 40 years, starting with a long tenure on the Long Beach City Council before moving to Menifee, Edgerton fought for what he believed in while maintaining a career in finance and teaching political science at local colleges. Even as his health failed in recent months, he insisted on participating in every city council meeting by speaker phone from his home. Many suspected what was in Edgerton's immediate future, but he insisted on serving as long as possible.

"Mayor (Scott) Mann urged me to leave things alone and just get better, but I'm not going to do that," Edgerton said about his decision to remain active in council matters in a February 2015 phone interview. "I have duties to perform. I'm still getting calls from constituents, many of them wishing me well."

Expressions of appreciation for Edgerton's service and support for his family began pouring in soon after the announcement of his death Tuesday afternoon. Funeral arrangements are pending. Meanwhile, here's a photographic look back at some of Edgerton's many acts of service since serving as Menifee's first mayor in 2008.

Scott Mann, elected mayor in 2012, discusses a point with Edgerton during a 2014 city council meeting.

Council members Edgerton and Tom Fuhrman pose with Adrian Peters of Brookfield Residential during the dedication of the Audie Murphy Ranch Sports Park on May 24, 2014.

Edgerton speaking at the 2011 Mayor's Ball (left) and addressing the audience during a 2014 council meeting.

John Denver, Tom Fuhrman and Wallace Edgerton judge an ice cream sundae contest at a Cub Scout banquet in early 2014.

Edgerton sits next to the opponent he defeated for the District 3 council seat, Bill Zimmerman, during a 2012 candidates forum.

Edgerton joins city and county officials at the groundbreaking for the Newport Road Widening Project in August 2013.

Edgerton speaks from the dais in a 2014 council meeting (left) and during his State of the City address in January 2011.

Even with his health declining, Edgerton showed his spirit by running an obstacle course during a 2013 Boy Scout camp.

Mayor Edgerton presides over a July 29, 2011 meeting in which candidates to replace the late Fred Twyman were discussed.

Edgerton joins council members in honoring Theresa Duffey on her 100th birthday in 2014.

Edgerton celebrates Christmas 2012 at City Hall with fellow council members Scott Mann and Greg August.


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  1. Twyman and Edgerton both from District 3. Maybe Menifee needs a health dept. How many more people are gravely ill in District 3. Marc Miller who also served on the planning commission is very ill having a bacterial infection and losing toes. Now the city keeps turning over the soil to build more and releasing toxic soil into the air for us all to breath. Check out sludge online and see what it is made up of and the effects it has on health. You will be shocked to learn what the city is allowing to be done but continuing to build. The truth will not be posted on this site.


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