Letter to the Editor: Enforce Traffic Laws in the City

Editor: I am writing today to ask why there is little or no traffic officers in the northeast area of town. Motorists know that there wo...


I am writing today to ask why there is little or no traffic officers in the northeast area of town. Motorists know that there won't be any presence, so they are habitually disregarding any traffic laws -- speeding, not stopping, you name it.

My neighbors and I went to "coffee with a cop" at Sun City Restaurant to meet and greet with officers. They asked us what we needed. We told them TRAFFIC OFFICERS. We have yet to see them.

If you are going to post signs, you have to enforce what they say. Cherry Hills, Bradley are safety hazards for anyone who is not driving a vehicle. Please take care of your citizens.

Ron Page


Ron Page 5648393106649571094

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  1. A senior was killed on Mcall Blvd. and Grosse Point crossing Mcall just after 6P.M. in a huge crosswalk. RIP Frank Fernandes who was just trying to cross the street. The council has not recognized the need for traffic officers. Menifee is exploding with growth and this area of Menifee is being ignored. What does it Take? We really need more coverage in this area. Please Help. Thank You


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