Two Arrested at DUI Checkpoint in Menifee June 14
Two drivers were arrested on alcohol-related charges June 14 in the latest DUI checkpoint conducted by the Menifee Police Department. The ...
Two drivers were arrested on alcohol-related charges June 14 in the latest DUI checkpoint conducted by the Menifee Police Department.
The checkpoint was conducted at Newport Road and Bradley Road between the hours of 8 p.m. and 2 a.m. Checkpoints are placed in locations that have the greatest opportunity for achieving drunk and drugged driving deterrence and provide the greatest safety for officers and the public, according to police.
During this DUI/Driver's License checkpoint, deputies contacted drivers in the eastbound lanes of Newport Road east of Bradley Road. A total of 950 vehicles passed through the checkpoint. Of those vehicles, 66 vehicles were directed into the secondary inspection/evaluation area, which resulted in the following:
-- 14 drivers were given field sobriety tests
-- 2 DUI-Alcohol suspects were arrested
-- 0 DUI-Drug impaired suspecs were arrested
-- 10 Drivers were cited/arrested for operating a vehicle unlicensed or while suspended/revoked
-- 8 vehicles were towed
The checkpoint was conducted at Newport Road and Bradley Road between the hours of 8 p.m. and 2 a.m. Checkpoints are placed in locations that have the greatest opportunity for achieving drunk and drugged driving deterrence and provide the greatest safety for officers and the public, according to police.
During this DUI/Driver's License checkpoint, deputies contacted drivers in the eastbound lanes of Newport Road east of Bradley Road. A total of 950 vehicles passed through the checkpoint. Of those vehicles, 66 vehicles were directed into the secondary inspection/evaluation area, which resulted in the following:
-- 14 drivers were given field sobriety tests
-- 2 DUI-Alcohol suspects were arrested
-- 0 DUI-Drug impaired suspecs were arrested
-- 10 Drivers were cited/arrested for operating a vehicle unlicensed or while suspended/revoked
-- 8 vehicles were towed