Elite Clinical Trials Tests Rozerem to Treat Bipolar Disorder
Elite Clinical Trials is testing the effectiveness of a prescription drug used to treat Insomnia that may alleviate or reduce symptoms in...
Elite Clinical Trials
is testing the effectiveness of a prescription drug used to treat Insomnia that
may alleviate or reduce symptoms in Bipolar Disorder caused by sleep
Rozerem is an FDA approved drug used to treat Insomnia. Because abnormal circadian rhythm and sleep patterns are common in those suffering from Bipolar I Disorder, a new formulation of the prescription drug is being tested to determine whether it can ease those symptoms.
Rozerem is an FDA approved drug used to treat Insomnia. Because abnormal circadian rhythm and sleep patterns are common in those suffering from Bipolar I Disorder, a new formulation of the prescription drug is being tested to determine whether it can ease those symptoms.
A circadian rhythm is a roughly 24 hour cycle that tells living organisms when they should sleep based on environmental surroundings, such as sunlight. When the circadian rhythm is interrupted, sleeping patterns become irregular.
Research has suggested irregular circadian and sleep patterns may be related to some symptoms of Bipolar I Disorder. Regulating Bipolar Disorder patients’ sleep may help in preventing some of these symptoms.
Volunteers will be compensated to receive the prescription drug to determine whether this theory holds water.
Elite Clinical Trials prides itself on testing the most cutting edge medication free of charge even without medical insurance. Not only do volunteers receive innovative medicine, they are also compensated for both their transportation and time related to the trial.
There is a 75 percent chance of receiving the actual medication during the study. There are different doses of the medication to determine which dose is appropriate for the disease at hand. Volunteers will receiving the medication will receive a dose of .1 mg, .4 mg, .8 mg or a placebo.
The trial will be a double blind study, meaning neither the patient or doctor will know which medication, if any, the volunteer will be given.
Instead of waiting in a crowded doctor’s office to be charged for the visit and medication, get a second opinion by participating in Elite Clinical Trials studies, not only for compensation, but the answers you've been looking for.
Enrollment for the study is open to those who qualify now. The wait time to schedule an appointment in the Temecula Valley is two months or longer.
Elite Clinical Trials offers a variety of opportunities for volunteers to participate in medical research studies, including depression, asthma and high blood pressure.
For a full list of Elite Clinical Trials studies, click here. To find a trial in your area, call Elite Clinical Trials at (951) 678-1551.
The Elite Clinical Trials staff offers modern, specialized medical care without the hefty doctor's visit cost in exchange for priceless medical research. Trial related medical and diagnostic exams conducted by Elite Clinical Trials' qualified staff are free of charge.
For more information, contact Elite Clinical Trials at:
Elite Clinical Trials, Inc.
34859 Fredrick St. Suite 110
Wildomar, CA 92595
34859 Fredrick St. Suite 110
Wildomar, CA 92595
Website: Elite Clinical Trials