Boys & Girls Club Posts Job Opening for Executive Director

Undeterred by last week's City Council vote to delay a decision on funding assistance, the Menifee Valley Boys & Girls Club is movin...

Undeterred by last week's City Council vote to delay a decision on funding assistance, the Menifee Valley Boys & Girls Club is moving forward with plans to open as soon as possible.

The next step in that process is the hiring of an executive director -- a full-time position that will coordinate the efforts of a 12-member volunteer board and about 40 other volunteers. The job posting for that position was advertised on several sites today by Board Chair Sue Kristjansson after board members voted to support such a move.

The Menifee City Council on Feb. 5 postponed action on the organization's request for $60,000, which Kristjansson said at the time was needed to have sufficient funds in order to hire an executive director and move forward in the planning process. By a 3-2 vote, the council elected instead to place a $60,000 line item on the next year's budget and consider it in June, when that budget is put up for approval.

At the time, it appeared that might put the club's plans for opening on hold indefinitely. Then Kristjansson received further clarification from the Boys & Girls Club corporate office about financial requirements in order to move ahead.

"The general guidelines from corporate are that the club has $140,000 to $150,000 in the bank before opening," said Kristjansson. "But they also told me this week that there are a lot of variables involved. One is the requirement that you have a facility. We have that already, and it doesn't impact our finances. That makes a big difference."

Kristjansson said that after the conversation with the corporate office, she took the issue back to the board of directors. The decision was made to publicize the job posting for executive director -- a position that would coordinate additional fundraising efforts in the coming months.

"Within four to six weeks, we will have about $80,000 in our account, with a big March fundraiser coming up," Kristjansson said. "We're also on the recommended list for $10,000 in CDBG grant money.

"We're at a Catch 22 point. If we continue just to fundraise and not hire a director to coordinate the planning, we're not serving the community in the process. By hiring an executive director, we can move forward and continue fundraising at the same time."

Applications for the position will be accepted until 5 p.m. on Feb. 21. Requirements include a Bachelor's degree; work experience in a Boys & Girls club or similar non-profit organization; and demonstrated ability in personnel supervision, facilities management, and the recruitment and retention of volunteers. The salary range is between $40,000 and $60,000 annually.

Kristjansson said it seems reasonable to her that the facility could be opened within a month of the hiring of an executive director. The organization has enough volunteers to open, the facility is ready and many residents have already expressed interest in registering their children.

Public comments at the city council meeting and a Menifee 24/7 reader poll indicate residents are split on the issue of city funding, which Kristjansson said is to be expected. She did hope for a definitive answer regarding the council's position at that meeting, however.

"I know there's going to be a split on this issue, but many I've talked to are dumbfounded that the council didn't vote to support this that night," she said. "The council members believe they have just put it off for future consideration, but people don't see it that way because nothing is happening now.

"This club would address the top two concerns identified in a recent needs assessment of residents: Lack of youth activities and crime. I do understand when people are concerned about taxpayer dollars going toward this. Yes, that's accurate. But a lot of the people who would send their children there say it's tax dollars well spent."

To apply for the position of executive director of the Menifee Valley Boys & Girls Club, submit resumes electronically to Donations may be made electronically at


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