Menifee 24/7 Reader Poll 11: Dirt Roads or Pavement?

We hear a lot of complaints from people who wish some of the most frequently travelled roads in Menifee wouldn't turn from pavement to d...

We hear a lot of complaints from people who wish some of the most frequently travelled roads in Menifee wouldn't turn from pavement to dirt at some point. One current project is completing a stretch of Menifee Road that didn't even exist before. But what about those dirt stretches of road that are frequently travelled now? What about Briggs Road south of Heritage High School? Bradley Road between Paloma Valley High School and Scott Road? The far east end of Garbani Road? Zeiders Road between Scott Road and Keller Road?

Which of these roads would you most like to see totally paved? Or do you like those bumpy old country roads just the way they are? Cast your vote now. Please vote for only one of the choices. Use the "other" box only to list another road or to comment on your choice.

Disclaimer: We are not volunteering to pay for the pavement, nor do we propose a way to fund such a project. We're just curious about the results. Aren't you?

By the way, the correct answer to Tuesday's quiz about the home state for Luther Menifee Wilson is Kentucky. You can vote on and check the results of all our polls by searching Menifee 24/7 Reader Poll on our website.

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  1. Yes I would love to change Holland Road west of Byers BACK TO DIRT!!!
    Maybe then it would slow these idiots down again, since the police do not do it, in fact close the road at the Lake Elsinore border would be a whole lot better!!


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