Residents, Rescue Teams Search Rural Terrain for Missing Boy

Volunteer searcher Bill Gillette and city councilman Tom Fuhrman mark search areas on a map of Menifee. Hundreds of Menifee residents ...

Volunteer searcher Bill Gillette and city councilman Tom Fuhrman mark search areas on a map of Menifee.
Hundreds of Menifee residents have joined Sheriff's deputies and rescue teams in the search for an 11-year-old boy who has been missing since Saturday night.

As of noon today, there has been no sign of Terry Smith, who was last seen wearing blue basketball shorts and walking south on Helen Lane toward his home about 7:30 p.m. Saturday.

The Riverside Sheriff's Department has set up a command post at the fire station on Murrieta Road just north of Scott Road. According to Lt. Charles Wilhite of the Menifee Police Department, the dozens of rescuers include Sheriff's deputies and mounted posse, the Riverside Mountain Rescue Unit, Desert Search and Rescue team, Cal Fire, Menifee Crime Watch and the Menifee Office of Emergency Managment. Rescuers are going door to door in the neighborhood and searching the hilly terrain behind Menifee Market, a small market on Scott Road just east of Murrieta Road.

Nearly 200 civilian volunteers are also searching the area, starting from a command post set up at Menifee Market -- a store often frequented by Terry and a location about 100 yards from his home on a dirt road behind the store. That post is being manned by Menifee City Council Member Tom Fuhrman and volunteers, including members of the Faithful Servants group.

"We are using officers, horses and dogs to search," Wilhite said. "The terrain off Scott Road is rough terrain. We have a lot of citizens assisting in the search. If people want to help in areas they are familiar with, particularly the more urban areas, we welcome them. My concern is about having too many people up in these rugged hills. It's dangerous up there."

Despite the warnings, area residents of the hilly neighborhood behind the store continue to search the dirt roads and open areas behind Menifee Market, particularly the areas of Helen Lane and Daily Road. Some are concerned about the boy's safety in the area and have complained about homeless people who wander through the back roads and hills.

Fuhrman advised volunteer searchers to look near trees, outbuildings and shady areas where the boy could be seeking relief from the heat. He may be disoriented and dehydrated at this point. Terry, who is 4-foot-8 and 76 pounds with sandy blond hair and brown eyes, answers to the nickname of JuJu.

Terry is described by his family and rescuers as being autistic. Jenny Smith and Valorie Cleary, who were his fourth grade teachers at Chester Morrison Elementary School two years ago, say he is not autistic but on medicine for ADHD.

"He is not autistic," said Jenny Smith, who is no relation but lives just a few hundred yards from Terry Smith. "He was not in special ed classes. He's very bright and very friendly, which could be a problem. He could be approachable by strangers."

There have been conflicting news reports concerning the circumstances surrounding Terry's disappearance. His brother, 16-year-old Skylor Atilano, told Menifee 24/7 he was home alone with Terry after their mother, Shawna Smith, left early in the evening to go play pool with friends. Skylor said he left the house sometime after 7:30 to visit a friend and saw Terry following him.

"I told him to go back home," Skylor said. "He didn't want to at first, but I saw him walking back toward the house. That's the last time I saw him."

Skylor said Terry is sometimes left home alone playing video games, although "most of the time we prefer to have a babysitter. He only comes here (Menifee Market); nowhere else."

Skylor said when he returned home later, he went to bed and assumed Terry was in bed, too. Shawna Smith said when she returned home later that night, she assumed both boys were asleep in bed. She didn't notice Terry was missing until she got up Sunday morning.

"When I left at 6:15 Saturday, both boys were home," she said. "There was nothing abnormal. Skylor was supposed to be watching him. I didn't know Terry wasn't there until the next morning. I thought he was in bed."

Residents have come together in the search, communicating via cell phone and posting messages on the Menifee 24/7 Facebook page, which has received hundreds of comments and more than 150,000 page views.

Jacob Prestage, 20, combed the hillside behind the Smith residence with his German shepherd Whiskey, which he uses in hunting and has used before in rescue efforts. Residents young and old are taking part in the search, including young children carrying fliers with Terry's picture.

Sarah Brown and Casie Estrela, residents of nearby Canyon Hills, heard about the search on Facebook and brought their children, ages 5 years to 2 months, along on the search.

"We told the children that a boy is lost, that either he wandered off or a bad man took him," Estrela said. "This is a perfect example of stranger danger. We tell our kids to be careful."

Police have not said they suspect foul play, but there still is no sign of the boy. Those wishing to help may report to the volunteer command post at Menifee Market on Scott Road. Snacks and fruit for the volunteers are needed.

Anyone who may have information regarding the whereabouts of Terry Smith is encouraged to call the Menifee Investigations Unit at 951-210-1000 or Riverside Sheriff's dispatch at 951-776-1099.

Police and civilian vehicles are parked in front of the home of Terry Smith, who was last seen walking up this road toward his driveway. Menifee Market, to which he often walked, is the building at center in the distance, about 100 years away.

Menifee resident Jacob Prestage, 20, uses his dog his hunting dog Whiskey to search the hills behind Terry Smith's home.

The corner of Scott Road and Helen Lane, near the Menifee Market and Terry Smith's home.

Terry's mother Shawna Smith (left, with sunglasses) awaits word about her son.

The Riverside County Sheriff's Department has set up a command post at a nearby fire station.

Sarah Brown (left) ands Cassie Estrela and their children join the search for missing Terry Smith.


Terry Smith 1435330236178842964

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  1. Prayers he is found alive-prayers. How dare his past teacher's say he's not Autistic just because he wasn't in a special class and was very bright and friendly-newsflash my son is 10 has HFA is bright,friendly but does attend an Autism class-the parents know they're child as well dr.s can back up or reject claim of Autism-cannot believe they go and say this stuff while all ae worried and looking for this sweet lil boy-prayers and support to Terry and his family!

    1. That's how I felt when I read this!! How dare her say that!!

    2. I agree - and not only is it wrong it is unprofessional. I thought info between a teacher and student was private.

    3. Whats wrong is giving incorrect advice, which is what Skylor has done. Have any of you viewed his facebook page? If not you should,

    4. dont hate the teachers . They are telling the truth

    5. Maybe the teacher did not like the incorrect information being past out. If he is a boy with Autism he will have and IEP which the teacher is aware of. She is not going to lie.

    6. please find and return Terry Jr to his Father

    7. Newsflash-teachers do lie and not all children have an I.E.P. If the family doesn't agree to they're child having one and such. Aside from all this ,children with Autism can be in regular vs special classes and when given the chance to be accepted,learn and grow they indeed are extremely intelligent,bright children.I know what I'm talking about because my son had awful teachers and e'a's at first who thought they new more than the dr.s specialists and me [his mom]they nearly ended up sued when I got a child advocate laywer involved and now my son has new teacher and e'as and is flourishing in his SLC class placement using TEACCH Approach along with Sensory/Ot/I pad etc.. anyways praying for Terry,his family,the searchers-praying-all the way from Canada

  2. I drove past this area about half hour ago. Heartwarming to see so many people coming together. In cars, trucks, horseback and on foot. Some even with dogs. However......I truly hope the volunteers are fully aware of the potential of rattle snakes in that area! I saw so many people in shorts and flip flops. Do not need more tragedy on top of a tragic situation. Sure hoping this little guy shows up, safe and sound.

  3. I will be aiding in the search later today and I just wanted to comment on something I observed as I drove by the search headquarters at the market. I saw people walking there wearing flip-flops, no hats, no long sleeved shirts and not carrying any knapsacks for water or cell phone, etc.

    It's about 100 degrees out there and the search area is hilly and rocky - places where rattle snakes and other vermin reside. It's not a walk in the park. It's rugged and it's hot. So hiking boots or sturdy laced shoes, hats w/visors, long sleeved shirts, something to carry water, first-aid kit in is important, too.

    Like the boy scout motto - be prepared and proper clothing and equipment are necessary for your own well being.

    1. I agree, the first rule of helping is to never make yourself another casualty. Take care of yourself first, then look for Terry.

    2. A mountain lion was spotted yesterday as well during the search efforts.

  4. I sure hope a person pictured above doesn’t know where he is.

    1. whos that and why

    2. Praying Terry is found safe and brought home to his mother. Praying for his family from Canada. We are all praying for you all over the world Terry.

    3. if you know something bad about someone in the picture you need to tell someone

  5. please God find this boy safe and bring him home.

  6. please god fine him and bring him home

    1. Wow, those teachers are out of line..... lawsuit for Menifee School District.

  7. Very sad, I hope he shows up safe and sound. Let this be a lesson to parents and older brothers ... don't leave an 11-year-old boy alone, especially an autistic one. And check that your kids are in bed when you get home!

    1. I agree what kinda mother goes out and gets home and doesn't check on their kids ... What about the brother that was babysitting Sent him walking home by his self... What he's to busy to check on his lil brother or just didn't care ??? This whole story doesn't sound right I've lived out here since 1996 never once anything has happened like this ...The pictures of the mother no emotions shown ... I pray this little boy comes home safe ...

    2. Don't bag on my family. They had no idea this was going to happen.

    3. Exactly...leave this family alone or name yourself if you are going to put the family down. You have NO business doing that.

  8. I think it's very strange how we hear conflicting stories, why teachers say he's not autistic and mother says he is. a boy who's not autistic would just have gone home, they said he's autistic like he may have wondered off but teachers say he's fine. well a fine boy can't wonder off into the woods. this is all very strange.

  9. I think the teachers were giving their opinions of their memory of this boy. It cleared up questions I had about him. I don't know any autistic children so I don't know how they would be in this situation. But if they attended regular classes or have adhd I expect that he could ask for help or tell someone he is lost. If he is Autistic why would it ever be ok to leave him alone at night at 11? No chance I'm leaving my 11 yr old home alone at night especially where they live with few neighbors. Doesn't make sense. And I always, always check in on my kids when I get home even when my husband is home with them.

  10. Ignoring the opinions of those who do not have experience with a highly intelligent & gifted autistic child, I will say this... Could someone please tell his mother that there is a world of parents in the U.S. and Canada standing behind her, watching, waiting, hoping. We feel your pain momma. Please consider any "hyper-interests" he may have that might give clues as to where he may have gone. We are so hopeful that he is found safe and sound.

    1. Amen to what you said here,Praying for Terry [Ju Ju] that he be found alive and brought home safely.I too have a son with Autism-praying for that lil boy!

  11. YA KNOW..i DON'T CARE WHAT ALL OF YOUR OPINIONS OF HIS MOTHER, OR BROTHER ARE..CAUSE THEY ARE JUST THAT..YOUR OPINIONS!! The fact of the matter is MY LITTLE BROTHER IS MISSING!! You people can pass judgement on others soo easily, when you know nothing but what you read or hear! My brother Skylor is a young boy himself..and I'm sure he is heartbroken over what he should have done..and what was done..LEAVE HIM ALONE AND QUIT TALKING BAD ABOUT HIM! brothers mom..I'm sure she feels the same way..I should have checked on him, kissed him on his forehead and told him I loved him.You people quit passing judgement on others so quickly when you know NOTHING!THIS IS A SERIOUS SITUATION..whether he IS Autistic,ADHD..or a normal child the fact remains is he is gone, and it has been several days!!AS his big sister, with kids and grandchildren of my own...I'M TERRIFIED!!! I want my brother safe and sound and home where he belongs, and I want people with thier damn opinions to stay off here and quit putting stupid shit on here, the family doesn't need to hear this..cause if they are like me....IT PISSES ME OFF THAT YOU COULD BE SO HATEFUL!!

    1. I completely agree! Although Skylor should have walked him home, I know he is very saddened over what has happened to his brother. I don't understand how people could be so hateful at a time like this!!

    2. Praying for your lil brother Terry [JU JU]to be found and brought back home-praying for you allpraying and sharing his pic on facebook-praying for you his family-my heart is gutwrenched for what you all are going through.

  12. Marrisa, please don't let a few negative people add to your misery, let those parents and siblings who have NEVER made a mistake with their loved ones, be first to cast stones.... Please focus on the hundreds, if not thousands of those who want the same as you and your family, that Terry is brought safely home to your family and into the loving arms of his momma. Many continue to search for him, word has spread nationwide, so thousands of prayers are continuing on his behalf.... You, your mom and Skylor and the rest of your family must be in excruciating pain and agonizing over all of this. I believe miracles happen every day.... May our Lord and Savior bring comfort to you and bring Terry home safely, He will see all of you through this.

  13. The focus is on finding the victim, the missing child; however, it breaks people's hearts to consider that the more responsible individuals who were to be making good choices to ensure his safety may not have and that an innocent child may be suffering the consequences of those choices. Part of the backlash for making any choices, good or bad, innocent or not is being accountable for them. People are scared, upset, anxiety-ridden and worried for this child and frankly, the circumstances are upsetting they feel helpless and feel the need to express it...but pointing fingers does not bring us any closer to finding the boy, you're right, and despite the best of choices, any one of us could find ourselves in an unexpected and horrible situation. Teen babysitters are common and have been for years and this is not the usual outcome. We don't live in a perfectly safe world, there are risks in everything we do and we can't expect that a child is sheltered until 18 and suddenly released into society never having been left alone, never having walked to the SHOULD be able, at 11, to walk to the store 100 yards away or down the street and make it back to your house safely - and although everyone is in a tiff about the teacher's opinions that he didn't have autism, all that does is support that he may have been more capable of making that trip back to the house than anyone who doesn't know him realizes. His father supposedly stated the same thing, not autistic, so maybe those teachers were asked about their first hand experience with the child to see whose account of his capacity is most accurate in an effort to evaluate where he might be and why. Obviously, if the child is autistic it brings a new set of considerations but again, if there is a creeper out there who snatched him up that could have happened had he been checking the mail, autistic or not! Being that no one realized he was missing for long was he really missing before it became public? Could have wandered out or been taken after mom was already home right out of his bed....we just don't know. At this point, the whole story is smelling fishy and people are abuzz because fear is kicking in, everyone thought he would be found by now. The family needs support and considering the 100's of volunteers out there searching for him tirelessly, & the huge amount of resources dedicated to his safe return home, I'd say that they are receiving support....but you can't ask people not to pass judgement, they will regardless. The facts are the facts. Let us not forget that a grown woman was run over roadside while walking her dog out that way not too long ago & left to die...sometimes, even when circumstances are ideal, horrible things can happen. None of us know if things would be different had he not been left alone (did he even disappear in that time period, no one knows), had the mom been at work instead of playing pool, had the babysitter been 18 instead of 16, had he been autistic or not, had they found him missing at 1am instead of one knows. No one disputes that the focus here should be on finding JuJu.

  14. Praying for Skylor and his friends and family. Please, family members, try to avoid reading the Internet too much. There are a lot of people out there who like to spew negative comments. Some are mean; some are ignorant. The bottom line is, there are loads of people praying for the boy's safe return We don't know but a fraction of the story, and it is a sad one, and we pray for a happy ending. The teachers probably weren't purposefully contradicting the parents. They were asked, independently of their knowledge of Skyler's "condition." They gave an answer. The writer/editor put the words together in a way that paints the teachers in a poor light. They prob shouldn't say what meds he was or was not on, but they were asked a question and were responding. They likely are not trained in media relations. Best wishes.

  15. Praying for this entire family. May the lord embrace them all, provide strength and courage,and heal their hearts.


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