Police: 'Visionary' Woman is One Who Found Boy's Body

Update at 11:20 a.m.: In a radio interview on the John and Ken Show on KFI 640 AM, a Riverside County Sheriff's detective confirms the s...

Update at 11:20 a.m.: In a radio interview on the John and Ken Show on KFI 640 AM, a Riverside County Sheriff's detective confirms the story you will read here, saying, "Never in my 23 years have I seen anything like this." In that interview, Ragland said family members sitting out in front of the garage gave her and those with her permission to search the property.

A story that has had many confusing twists and bizarre aspects apparently has taken another startling turn.

Police confirmed today that an Orange County woman who has been insisting in media reports she found the body of Terry Smith Jr. in his Menifee back yard after receiving a "vision" is indeed the one who called them at 12:55 a.m. Wednesday to report the discovery.

Pam Ragland, who describes herself as a "visionary" rather than a psychic and who owns a "thought shifting" business in Orange County, said on her Facebook page and in multiple media reports that she drove an hour and a half from her home in Rancho Santa Margarita to Menifee that morning because her intuition told her to.

The woman told the Los Angeles Times she had a vision of a boy lying on his side with his eyes closed. She saw him in the dirt under a tree with an unpaved road nearby and a city in the distance.

Ragland could not be reached for comment this morning. Menifee 24/7 chose not report her claims previously, until police confirmed her as the one who discovered the remains.

She has offered some explanation on her Facebook page and commented Wednesday morning on a Menifee 24/7 live Facebook update that quoted police as saying "something" led them to the house about 1:30 a.m. It was later confirmed that the body was found exactly as she described it, but her name was not released previously.

"My daughter and I are the "psychics" from OC. You can see my public profile for a brief account of what we, my son and an off-duty fireman, discovered," Ragland posted on the Menifee 24/7 Facebook thread that morning in a comment that understandably was met with skepticism from other readers.

Later, on her personal Facebook page, Ragland said she discovered "absolute human remains" under the tree on the Smith property and called police. She said she was detained and questioned. Ragland told the Times she and her children -- whom she says also have intuitive abilities -- arrived at the Menifee Market volunteer command center that night and told searchers she thought the boy was closer to home than they now assumed.

According to the Times interview, an off-duty firefighter among the volunteers agreed to drive her around to look for the boy. She directed him to the Smith yard, which has already been searched with cadaver dogs. There, she says, the discovery was made.

According to Ragland in the interview, she smelled a foul odor and her children saw something sticking up from the ground a few inches. Ragland said it was the boy's head.

Today on her Facebook page, Ragland apologized to media members to whom she had not returned messages. Her comments included the following:

If you think it would be easy telling this story, it's not. I am practical. I used to transform
companies. When I first realized I had a healing gift, I was shocked. When I realized I could help with drug addiction, withdrawals, depression, pTSD & many other things, I was shocked. And when I found out I help Autistic & ADHD kids & adults be more normal, I was even more shocked.

Until we began helping in this, I once again did not realize all the ways I could help.

If you don't like how we helped, don't think we helped find the boy, or have anything negative to say, please keep it to yourself. Thank you.

But know this -- we are all more powerful than we know. Including you.

Here is the link to the radio interview:



Terry Smith Jr. 3617530541745828380

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  1. please!!!! If the body were there when everyone searched -it would have been discovered-reality is-it wasn't there prior-she just got lucky! Maybe going home that night after working the entire day & waking up right away -seeing him in the ground too-makes me a psychic-No, it just makes me a Mom,concerned citizen-knowing there is more to this story vs what we know.We all prayed he would be found right away- to me that' a God thing-not a Psychic. Now, if I had not just stayed in bed-would you believe it was God who lead me there?

    1. she said if you have anything negative to say, keep it to yourself.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. So you don't get it right? You find yourself compelled to attack the things you don't believe, don't understand, and don't like. This is why visionaries and healers don't step forward to help because they are so afraid of criticism. Just because they have visions doesn't mean they don't want to be embraced and accepted. Many visionaries see their "gift" as a disability. A curse. To sense things, have them invade your mind, gnaw at you and feel ashamed to share them is very hard.
      It's very hard because of people like you. Sad.

    4. You didn't listen to the radio interview. The yard had been searched. It was a large 2 acre area. The police and a dog missed it because the boy was buried. When the visionary along with a detective looked again the next night, the visionary walked 'directly to the grave', they saw a part of the body (the head), because the grave had recently been partially uncovered by an animal digging there. Probably a coyote or similar animal. There are several worldwide cases like this if you bother to Google them, it could blow your mind. I clearly understand how easy it is for persons like yourself with no intuition gifts to be staunch skeptics. However, just cuz you don't have the gift, doesn't mean some others don't. Research the woman in Russia in the 80's who found over 17 children buried in the woods, and no, there was no scam. Even the FBI used her in the case. The FBI along with Russian police used a psychic because they were out of clues. You think you know more than a dozen detectives in the FBI?

  2. I think the vision was called google maps.

  3. Hmmm why are people so closed minded, you know it is God that has given this woman her ability and she is right we all have it but were to scared and closed minded to let it be...... thank you for following your vision, thank you for taking the time to come to our town and help with this tragic loss. terry thanks you too,I believe in you and people like you. I wish people wouldn't be so jusdgemental and leave that to GOD.......

    1. I completely agree with you. Thank you Ms. Ragland for giving your vision a chance and coming to help. As painful as the discovery was, now family, friends, and our town can grieve and honor this little boy.

    2. I completely agree God gives people the gift to heal and to be a visionary. Don't judge it just because you do not understand it. Thank God that she was guided to this location and was able to find the boy. Thanks to her and the off duty firefighter who drove her around. R.I.P. Terry I pray you are having a lot of fun in heaven with Jesus.

  4. Does this woman have any previous connections to the Smith family? Have phone records been checked to see if she was in communication with anyone in the area? Seems like there might be more to this story...

    1. the report says she was detained by the police for questioning, if they thought there was a connection they wouldn't have released her!

  5. I fully believe in visions or preminisions. And I think the mother has something to do eith all of this and she needs to be arrested. No way they stored a body for 3 days and her 16yr old son buried him alone!

  6. Didn't we and millions probably pray to God to find this little boy?? We don't always know or understand how or why God allows things, if we did he wouldn't be much of a god. In the Bible God used an ass to talk to a king (not saying this about the lady) God can and will use whatever or whoever he pleases, he only wants a willing vessel. While loving people were looking for days, God had him the whole time in His hands. We can't and won't ever understand everything, but we can all be nice???

  7. My intuition told me without a doubt when I first heard of the missing nochild that his half brother did this. It wasn't a god thing or hocus pocus Its intuition. Some people are just more intuitive than others. Is that too hard for the tiny mind to wrap around.

  8. brandy i think so too...

  9. Colleen FletcherJuly 12, 2013 3:35 PM

    I thought the Mother would not allow a search of the property and her home? I am only thankful for your knowing. It ended all the pain of those people searching. I too knew he was buried, saw him but not where. Could not feel a live force from his body. I believe these things have happened from childhood, Mom said be careful who you tell.. Not about me only to say those who don't believe or have bad things to say. Please don't. Emotions are high right now offer healing. Support and love. Ragland, Thank You.

  10. My advise is don't go to strangers house's, especially with your children, of missing people. You didn't know who had killed that person, it could have been that entire family that did it, not in this instance thank goodness. What do you think the family is going to do when you say "there's the body buried right there" if they all had murdered him. You were lucky this time, next time maybe not.

  11. Too bad the "vision" didn't happen before the poor child was murdered.

  12. I say forget all the what if crap and get to the bottom of this little boys murder. If is was a family member than they should be pucished just the same as any one else what we think doesn't matter but lets just get to work on finding the killer I really hope he RIP and the person that did this to him does not.

  13. God please let him rest in peace and let him help someone to find who did this to him.

  14. I think you all need to find something better to do. I was so proud to see a community come together with compassion and now its a cyber debate team on a witch hunt.

    1. How do you know WHERE these people are from, that you refer to as a community coming together, now a witch hunt...??? THIS case had now gone nation wide! ANYONE can now put their "two cents" in regarding this case! But you and many others I have seen posting all over (FB,News articles etc) automatically go straight for tearing into OUR Community, narrow mindedly assuming all negative postings, debates etc... Are a "Community brought together" NOW "Ripping each other apart!!! Seriously.... There is no way to tell the location of "Anonymous" commenters on here!! Even on Facebook, alot of profiles are blocked... So, no way to tell where They are from... But in the same, alot are not blocked... I see posts from all over the U.S Arguing and judging this community.. Amongst comments of others (deciding the one they are arguing with is from our community,and they are not) Its crazy!!! Can we all stop the community finger pointing and unite as our justice system pieces this all together??? Stop fighting amongst this strong need to tear down a community... Its NOT about that!! THIS is about a tragic event that has rocked everyone!! A CHILD LOST HIS LIFE!!! STOP trying to make this an opportunity to TEAR people up, and behave atrociously towards one another... While labeling that behavior all coming from this community.... What is this incessant need to tear apart a community that was originally praised for its efforts
      in coming together?? It blows my mind!!

  15. I was talking to my boss about this story a day before they found the body,and she said"the brother did it"...does that make her psychic?

  16. So, I guess she knows the whole story and can fill in the police???

  17. I think a lot of you people need to look up the definition of "psychic". It seems like you negatives are all very ignorant about the whole subject. Try learning about something before you outright bash it, no one will ever think you're an idiot for trying to learn something, but everyone thinks your an idiot for speaking about things you know nothing of.


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