City Council Approves Salary Increase Beginning in 2014
The stipend for Menifee City Council members will increase by $150 per month to $650 per month beginning in 2014, thanks to a 3-2 vote by th...
The stipend for Menifee City Council members will increase by $150 per month to $650 per month beginning in 2014, thanks to a 3-2 vote by the council Tuesday night.
City Attorney Julie Biggs explained to council members that city council compensation standards provided by the state suggest that cities of more than 75,000 pay city council members a stipend of $600 per month, with a suggested increase of 5 percent per year. Menifee's population is now over 82,000.
Menifee City Council members currently receive $500 per month, with the mayor receiving $600 per month.
Legally, salaries may only be increased after at least two council seats have gone through re-election. In Menifee, that would be 2014, when the council seats held by John Denver and Tom Fuhrman are up for re-election. When those positions are filled, as approved by the council Tuesday night, the stipends for all council members except the mayor will become $650 per month.
Council members have had no stipend increase since 2008, when the city incorporated.
Because the position of mayor in Menifee is now voted on by the people, a salary increase for that position cannot be made without a public vote.
As it stands now, Mayor Scott Mann receives a stipend of $600 per month. The mayor's position also will be up for re-election in 2014. It is the only city council position that isn't a four-year term.
Mann, Wallace Edgerton and Furhman voted to approve the stipend increase, with Greg August and Denver voting no. Edgerton asked city staff to place on a future agenda a proposal to discuss switching the mayor's term from two years to four. That would require a vote of the people.
City Attorney Julie Biggs explained to council members that city council compensation standards provided by the state suggest that cities of more than 75,000 pay city council members a stipend of $600 per month, with a suggested increase of 5 percent per year. Menifee's population is now over 82,000.
Menifee City Council members currently receive $500 per month, with the mayor receiving $600 per month.
Legally, salaries may only be increased after at least two council seats have gone through re-election. In Menifee, that would be 2014, when the council seats held by John Denver and Tom Fuhrman are up for re-election. When those positions are filled, as approved by the council Tuesday night, the stipends for all council members except the mayor will become $650 per month.
Council members have had no stipend increase since 2008, when the city incorporated.
Because the position of mayor in Menifee is now voted on by the people, a salary increase for that position cannot be made without a public vote.
As it stands now, Mayor Scott Mann receives a stipend of $600 per month. The mayor's position also will be up for re-election in 2014. It is the only city council position that isn't a four-year term.
Mann, Wallace Edgerton and Furhman voted to approve the stipend increase, with Greg August and Denver voting no. Edgerton asked city staff to place on a future agenda a proposal to discuss switching the mayor's term from two years to four. That would require a vote of the people.
Duh! They voted for themselves to receive a pay increase. This is normal politics just like our congress. No matter what is going on with the economy a pay increase will always be given to each other.
ReplyDeleteJust like politicians, vote in their raises before any and all others city bills are paid for, look what we got with our senate and congress in doing that, they get millions and do nothing for the people.
ReplyDeleteIt is a stipend. NOT a pay increase. Suggest that you look it up. How ignorant can you be?
DeleteJust like the foxes are watching the hen house. This is no different then what is going on at the state and federal level. Let's get out of our financial problems before you start raising pay. May not seem like much but it all adds up. Let the voters make the decision.
ReplyDeleteThey should all be voted out before they collect one penny of this raise. We need change at city hall.
DeleteIt is a stipend. NOT a pay increase. Suggest that you look it up.
ReplyDeleteOK it is a Stipend increase effective 2014 for the city council to receive $650.00 a month and they voted to have a 5% increase in their stipend every year after that. Sure its a stipend which is the same as a pay increase. These Council members also get the generous benifts of health Insurance and Retirement benefits from the city of Menifee. So it really does not matter if you call it a pay increase or a stipend (the actual term) it is a pay increase either way and it does not stop at the 2014 increase. Because our Country and State are having financial problems that effect the population in Menifee I would think that this group who voted for the increase would have considered the financial impact this has on the citizens and the Coffers of Menifee City. But knowing Politicians as I do they are interested in lining there own pockets. As Wally Edgerton said at the last meeting I want everyone to know I will spend every cent of that $100.00 increase a month and enjoy it.
DeleteThat will teach them to remove you from a commission!
DeleteWhile I agree the efforts of this council are not worth very much, just the chore of attending two meetings a month is worth more than the stipend they receive. Just look at the toll it is taking on Wally
ReplyDeleteThose who have expressed the thinking that an increase to $7800 from $6000 annually is considered excessive, should ask themselves if they would be willing to deal with the heavy city issues, accept constant disrespectful public comment and carry the burden of always having to be decisive on very divisive issues. Give it a shot and I bet you will be asking for greater increases than this! - Joe Quinn
ReplyDeleteYou can call it whatever you want but that raise and the $600.00 isn't all they get. Check it out and see how much they really get. Their health benefit package would make anyone without health insurance cringe. Contact city hall and see what they get besides this money. I'd like to be able to vote myself a nice raise whenever I felt like it.
ReplyDeleteIt's sad to see how many people like to complain about things, even when there's nothing legitimate to complain about. There's nothing excessive, here. Even including the health benefits -- which add up to what? .. maybe $12,000 to $13,000 a year? -- plus the 12 x $650, the total is still only about $21,000 a year. Being a responsible city council member is a lot of work and responsibility for such little compensation. If you want to complain about excess, you're sounding tremendously stupid complaining about it, here.
ReplyDeleteAs the article clearly pointed out, the increase was essentially to bring their pay in line with the State's standards for a city of this size. If the standard is about $600 for 75,000 people, that's about $8 per thousand people. Menifee has about 82,000 people. 82 x $8 = $658. So, if you ask me, they sold themselves short by about $8 a month.
You'd think you complainers would embarrass yourselves if you just stopped long enough to realize how negative you are about nothing when there are so many real problems in the world. _Richard Melrose