Sleeper, Briley Named Paloma Valley Athletes of Month

As another school year comes to a close, it's obvious that Paloma Valley High School will suffer two big losses to its athletic program...

As another school year comes to a close, it's obvious that Paloma Valley High School will suffer two big losses to its athletic program.

No longer will the Wildcats have the talents of Shawn Sleeper, a four-year member of the track and field team, and Courtney Briley, a four-year member of the softball team. Having made their mark on the school's athletic scene, Sleeper and Briley are set to move on to college.

Fortunately, they leave behind a legacy that will provide inspiration for solid Wildcat athletic programs that are competitive every year. And before they leave, they are being honored as Menifee 24/7's Athletes of the Month for May.

Sleeper began as a cross country runner in middle school and was about to give up the sport when his coaches convinced him to keep at it in high school.

"They said, 'You need to do this,'" Sleeper recalled. "So I ran cross country in high school and track just became the off-season way to train. Now track is my main sport."

The senior made it to the CIF-SS Division I finals in the mile run this spring, clocking a 4:21. He also competed in the 800-meter run and 4x400 relay this year. Distance running is his specialty, and he plans to continue his running career next fall at UC San Diego.

"A lot of it is mental," Sleeper said about distance running. "It's about pushing yourself, seeing much farther and faster you can go than the competition."

Briley does not plan to continue her softball career at Boise State in the fall, instead focusing on her chosen field of study -- kinesiology.

"I've had my fair share of doctor visits," said Briley, who suffered a slight tear of the miniscus during her freshman season. "I have an appreciation for what people with injuries go through."

Briley, who plays second base, hit .304 this season for the Wildcats, who finished one game behind Heritage in the Sunbelt League standings and advanced to the third round of the playoffs, winding up with a 20-8 overall record. Last season, she helped led Paloma Valley to the league title.

Perhaps more valuable than anything else are her leadership qualities.

"I like softball because it's all about teamwork," said Briley, who also played volleyball and basketball in high school. "People think they just hit the ball to you and that's it. There's a lot more to it."

Briley played baseball in youth leagues but made a smooth transition to softball in high school. She plans to coach youth sports for the Temecula Boys and Girls Club this summer.

Sleeper and Briley received a certificate in recognition of their award and an iTunes gift card.


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