Council Appoints Two of its Own to Senior Citizens Committee
In a unanimous decision Tuesday night, Menifee City Council members voted to appoint Mayor Scott Mann and Council member Greg August to the ...
In a unanimous decision Tuesday night, Menifee City Council members voted to appoint Mayor Scott Mann and Council member Greg August to the newly-formed Menifee Senior Citizens Committee.
The ad hoc committee will be chaired by Menifee resident Gloria Sanchez, executive director of the Riverside County Council on Aging. The committee, through targeted surveys and under the advisement of community experts and volunteer members, seeks to identify and address the needs of Menifee’s senior population.
Citing a desire to bring attention to the needs of Menifee’s older residents, August said he was honored to be chosen for committee membership.
“This council will be formed to target a closer ear to the older citizens of Menifee,” said August, with hopes of uncovering needs that may not be getting met and matching them up with existing community services. He added that he hoped the council would approve his motion to designate the month of May as Older Americans Month, a decision slated for determination at the next council meeting.
Mann agreed.
“Seniors make up 19 percent of our population here in Menifee,” Mann said. "That’s a strong voice.” But it is also a proud voice, he said; one that doesn’t always ask for help.
“Our first step is to identify the needs” of Menifee’s senior population, said Sanchez. “To find out what the three most pressing issues are.” The committee will then present those needs, as well as a strategic plan for addressing them, to the full council for analysis and vote.
Members of the Menifee community are encouraged to get involved by contacting Sanchez at 951-672-2588, or via email at
The ad hoc committee will be chaired by Menifee resident Gloria Sanchez, executive director of the Riverside County Council on Aging. The committee, through targeted surveys and under the advisement of community experts and volunteer members, seeks to identify and address the needs of Menifee’s senior population.
Citing a desire to bring attention to the needs of Menifee’s older residents, August said he was honored to be chosen for committee membership.
“This council will be formed to target a closer ear to the older citizens of Menifee,” said August, with hopes of uncovering needs that may not be getting met and matching them up with existing community services. He added that he hoped the council would approve his motion to designate the month of May as Older Americans Month, a decision slated for determination at the next council meeting.
Mann agreed.
“Seniors make up 19 percent of our population here in Menifee,” Mann said. "That’s a strong voice.” But it is also a proud voice, he said; one that doesn’t always ask for help.
“Our first step is to identify the needs” of Menifee’s senior population, said Sanchez. “To find out what the three most pressing issues are.” The committee will then present those needs, as well as a strategic plan for addressing them, to the full council for analysis and vote.
Members of the Menifee community are encouraged to get involved by contacting Sanchez at 951-672-2588, or via email at